sensor comparison

Things you should look up:

CCD vs. CMOS. The 3 chip cameras (AFAIK) are all CCD. Your differences will start there. Sensor size is a factor with relationship to certain aspects, but remember that CMOS sensors uses Bayer style algorithms to extrapolate color (sometimes very very well) while 3-chip cams will split with a prism and record r g and b on each chip independently.

APS-C is going to have rather different lens options than 3x 2/3" or 1/2" CCD cameras as well. 3 chip cameras tend to be in ENG/EFP style camera bodies, while APS-C (to date and AFAIK) are the domain of DSLR cameras.

I guess the new sony VG10 is an APS-C class camera, but I always associate the term (perhaps falsely) with Canon.

"Advantage" is too subjective of a term. The different cameras will lend themselves to different productions both in terms of logistics and in terms of content.