Brainstorming Affordable ET Predator Costume Ideas

Let's brainstorm ways to make affordable alien costumes.

Let's rule out hairy beasts because all that hair has to be done by hand.

I like reptiles because they can look scary. I remember reading the old OMNI Magazine article years ago about what if the dinosaurs never became extinct? But, instead evolved into an intelligent form of reptile life. Can reptile costumes be made inexpensively?

The next option would be two legged bug creatures with arms.

And, there's the traditional ET look with big bold heads, big eyes, small to no mouths and small chins, and long thin bodies.

Any other ideas?
Aww Cracker you just shot an arrow into my heart (And not a cupid kind neither!), I didn't know Awesom-O wasn't yours. Damn.

(I was just being brainstorm session mental, but everyone went to sleep I guess.)

I like the Skin Trophies thing BTW.


I also like the bit about the skin-trophies.
Okay, you just described pretty much the EXACT premise of the "Predator" universe (in addition to the skull-collecting and invisible-suits). I'm not gonna hate on you if you wanna just blatantly copy it. In fact, I've got an idea for a movie that is a total rip-off of another movie. However, the movie I wanna rip-off is not at all well-known. You're talking about ripping off one of the most well-known and beloved sci-fi franchises in history. People are gonna notice the very obvious parallels. If you're okay with that, hey, make the movie the way you wanna make it.

The story is a generic copy of several TV show episodes where hunters capture humans to hunt just for the fun of it. That was done with FOREVER KNIGHT (in this case the hunter is hunting vampire cop Nick Knight just for the challenge of hunting a vampire), LE FEMME NIKITA (Nikita's skills and training as a Black Ops operative and assassin gives her a good fighting chances against a game hunter after her head), THE SIX MILLION DOLLAR MAN (the "Wolf Boy" episode where Steve Austin, a Japanese soldier friend, and a wolf boy are hunted in the woods by game hunters), THE A-TEAM, and more just to name a few. I'm thinking about a few tributes to other movies in this one too.
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The idea of capturing someone specifically for hunting them is hardly new. Heck, you forgot to list one of my personal favorite takes on this story:

And I'm only being like 60% ironic when I say "personal favorite." :D

The point though is that you've pretty much come right on up against the line where "inspired by the same core plot" meets "change a few things about your franchise and make my movie."

The latter happens all the time, so go for it, just know that you're in that category and not the former.

g/l bro.
It's all about "take something old and give it a new twist.".

Adding Artemis as a character into this type of story. As the Goddess of the Amazons and Goddess of the Hunt, her presence adds some refreshing new elements to the story. Artemis, Cyborgs, ETs, and Amazons will be interesting.

The idea of capturing someone specifically for hunting them is hardly new. Heck, you forgot to list one of my personal favorite takes on this story:

And I'm only being like 60% ironic when I say "personal favorite." :D

The point though is that you've pretty much come right on up against the line where "inspired by the same core plot" meets "change a few things about your franchise and make my movie."

The latter happens all the time, so go for it, just know that you're in that category and not the former.

g/l bro.

Ever see THE ZERO BOYS 1986?

Here's the trailer of this B-movie:

And, of course, there's WRONG TURN:
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If this is sci-fi, you'll need a good VFX artist. You can try and make all the alien shots special fx shots and not show them as regular solid objects at all. Have them very fast and ethereal, with green screen photography, and isolate them from the background images.
The look of new characters is in development right now. This is science fiction. I will even have a black stealth AI spaceship that transports black ops cyborgs and provides them with tactical information through com-links.

I'm working on the planning of Visual Fx. Look through my other threads here for preproduction.

The weapons my new artist is coming up with so far will require a skilled prop maker.
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The weapons my new artist is coming up with so far will require a skilled prop maker.

As an aside, have you settled on a shooting format? I learned quite recently (the hard way) that at 4K, everything looks like EXACTLY what it is. Painted cardboard tubes look like painted cardboard tubes, for example. Even in 1080HD, you'll want to make sure your art folks are aware of the need to hide detail.

Sounds like you have a lot of fun ideas for your PD. Looking forward to seeing how this comes along.