Where do I buy bendable laser rifles and weapons?

I was wondering if anyone knows links for where I can get prop laser rifles and weapons that are bendable and twistable? I will need them for on set special effects where aliens and cyborgs will be fighting,

Will I have to get a custom prop builder to make these props?
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Thank you directorik.

For all the TV shows like The Adventures of Superman in the 1950s to modern Smallville to The Six Million Dollar Man in the 1980s to the recent Terminator: TSCC, I thought these type of action props would be off the shelf stuff by now. But, apparently, they're not.

Bending plumbing pipes, prison bars, twisting and breaking guns, tearing chains apart, breaking a baseball bat over someone's arm is stuff that's been on these shows over the years to wow fans. I'd just like to see if I can find the supplier of these props to get some of those wonderful props for my next production.

This is probably not helpful - but there's a monthly "antique fair" (it's basically a giant flea market with a few ATM machines and espresso carts) in my area where an old prop-house guy shows up from time to time to sell stuff. Last time I went he had tons of old rubber prop weapons and stuff. Looking around NY might net you some of the older stuff like that. There's also always ebay - but most of those are probably going to be "collectibles" or some such.