Feel the urge to share your knowledge about filmmaking, cameras, or lenses?

We're looking for people that would like to write articles about virtually any aspect of photography or filmmaking. The articles would be featured on Lensapedia, a website designed to be informative about various aspects of our artform.

It is not a forum, so I don't think this conflicts with Indietalk's rules. We're basically just wanting to fill out the site enough to go live, and need some voices from the community to chime in.

If you feel you have some topic that you can talk about, here are the criteria and some example topics.

1. needs at least a few pictures or videos as examples

2. over 400 words

3. on topic

example ideas:

filming in low light

review of the t2I

How to hack a GH2

5 things you should take with you on an all day shoot

Why don't pro filmmakers use Zoom lenses very often

The importance of audio

Selling video in a buyers market

Sony's Revenge

introduction to the F-stop

ISO metrics

Is film school worth it?

how to work with local clients

the ups and downs of vintage glass

Film is dead!

Dr. Strangemount or How I learned to stop worrying about it and love the AF-100

Why not to buy cheap lights

Colorspace: the least talked about and most important spec of your future camera
After getting a few responses to this, (thanks all) I'd like to clarify that the above are just suggestions, and that you are free to contribute any article that helps educate the public about photography or filmmaking. After all, it's a creative artform, be creative!

All articles are subject to editorial review, but if you write something useful, be assured we will publish it.
I'll write something, dude. I know this won't make up for me rescinding on my prior commitment of moving out there, but if I can help in this small way, I'm down.

As you know, I'm not very technically-oriented. So, any article I write would be more geared towards the loose and creative artistic side. If you're interested in that, let me know, and I'll think of an article or two I can type up.

Did you guys score on that proposal?