Studios Vs. Productions

Hello, just a quick noobie question on what I should name my company (Sole Proprietorship).

I just spent all my money (:blush:) on a bunch of film production equipment. I intend to LLC it. So I guess I own a small studio now. But I'm also producing everything myself.

Question is: How should I properly title my company?

**NAME** Studios, LLC


**NAME** Productions, LLC

??? Thanks
What you should do is have a shell company for your studio/production company. Then you start an LLC for each individual project.

So your company, zJ0n Productions Inc., starts My First Film, LLC for the production of your first film.
What you should do is have a shell company for your studio/production company. Then you start an LLC for each individual project.

So your company, zJ0n Productions Inc., starts My First Film, LLC for the production of your first film.

Yes, makes sense. But what about Studio vs production in the company name? Sense it's basically both.
A studio is a production company.

You can pick any name you want. You can be zJ0n Studios, zJ0n Productions, zJ0n Pictures, zJ0n Films or anything else you can think of.

The issue is the perception of those who want to retain you or work with you. When you say STUDIO you give the perception of actual facilities - sound stages, back lots, etc.

As my specialty is low/no/mini/micro budgets being Alcove Studios might have, turned off potential clients, even though I really do have a real studio, even if it is in my basement. Alcove Audio Studios is a bit redundant, and Alcove Audio Post would have negated the small singer/songwriter market I also cater to. Being Alcove Audio Productions is the right fit for my current marketing niche.