Dual wireless Lavs?

Hello everyone. I suddenly, and of course, at the most inopportune time, developed a weird high pitched hum from my lav mike. So, I figure this is a good time to upgrade and get what I really want. I am looking for dual wireless lavs, with on camera receiver. I found a really nice Azden kit, but was wondering if you guys had any recommendations?

The Azden kit was about $700, but I would really like to keep under (or around) $500. Is this unrealistic for a dual?

Also, I really don't know the difference (in quality) from VHF and UHF. The UHF kits seem to be almost 2x the price, so reasonable thinking would suggest it to be better. Is this right?

One last thing... My mic input is the mini plug. Is there a way to take advantage of XLR? Maybe a converter box?

Thanks a bunch, I know this is a lot of questions all at once. Perhaps someone with a good audio background could make a mic buyers guide, or some tips, and the admin could make it a sticky?
yes UHF is better...but check what block or frequencey they will be in...as the FCC is taking away many of them...i am about to lose 2 of my wires because of this...but maybe the upper end of block 28 will still be good....

also...are they deversity...if not...you will most likey take more hits...and with a Dual Reciever, you take a chance of loseing 2 wires if your reciver has a problem...two singles are aways better to have...

700. is not a lot of money for wireless...i spend triple that for one of mine and thats without a mic...lavs run about 350-400 that i use and then there are all the tricks and crap i use so not to have clothing and wind noise...and still not see the mic....

so spend the few more bucks for the UHF...or call around a few rental houses looking to get rid of old stuff...you might be able to get some older Lectosonics that would out preform what you are about to get.
i would say check out Ebay...but there is always a risk that they would need repair and at least a tune-up...or not work at all...thats the Ebay risk