I'm new...but i'm a composer!

Hello all, great community!

I am here because I am looking for an amazing project to give my services to. I am somewhat new to film/television composing, but i'm honing my craft and want to work. My primary focus is in drama, sci-fi, scary, ambient as well as more epic/Hanz-ish stuff. Here are a couple of samples:

More "Epic" Sounding: https://soundcloud.com/seanstaples/flight-again
More "Scary/Ambient": https://soundcloud.com/seanstaples/forceful-termination
More "Dramatic": https://soundcloud.com/seanstaples/more-means-war

I am really looking for something amazing, and i'm happy to dive in fully committed to the right project and help paint your vision through a score.

If anyone is interested, please drop me a message and tell me a little about your project.
I just wanted to say to clarify on a few questions i've had...I would be doing this completely free to help me build a portfolio. I'll score small things, shorts, features...whatever really. I'm talkin FREE here :)

Thanks again for the kind words on the samples!