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Film based on true events... be part of it!


Currently we are in preps for our new project called "The Tower and Nine of Swords". Its about young girl named Alma from Bosnia. She tries to move to bigger town, which leads her to a series of horrifying events...

Watch our promo video and be part of it: http://igg.me/p/464444/x/3714311

The Tower and Nine of Swords is a short, disturbing thriller/horror from author Ivana Kragic. With Polanski twists and Haneke atmosphere, our goal is to make a film that slowly but surely builds up tension and an atmosphere of horror. The film is about the mind game of psychopaths and their victim. The psychopathic mind does not need concrete motives, logical explanations, or a reason to abuse its victims; it is just pure satisfaction and excitement.

We believe that when we finish this film, you will be proud to say that you helped to raise the money for this project.

Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheTowerAndNineOfSwords?ref=hl

Thank you,
Production of The Tower and Nine of Swords