How to create a huge black background look?

Obviously the easiest thing to do would be to rent a studio with a wide and tall black background, but unfortunately where I'm at it seems none exist. I've googled/craigslisted up every studio I could find but theyre all mostly white. We require a huge size because we plan to stack some props high up the ceiling, to see that high we'd need to pull the camera further back, which would mean we'd need a wide background too.

We've considered putting black cloth over the a large white backdrop but we really don't know to make it look professional (i.e. how to hold them up to the wall without wrinkles and artifacts).

If anyone has any ideas they are much much appreciated. Here's a reference of what kind of backdrop we'd like in terms of size and color:

(Pause at 1:18 when the girl stomps her foot)

Could this have been done with greenscreen? And then keyed to turn the green into a dark color?
If you can drape black cloth just behind the part where your props are, it shouldn't be hard to extend the dark area in post - you can just comp black in with a rough feathered mask.
Yes, it could've been done on a green screen.

ANd you could do it on a green screen relatively easy as well. You could do as IDOM says, or you could just drape up your black cloth, put the props well in front of it, and light them.

Your background should be so underexposed that it will be black, or close enough to black anyway. You'd just need enough space between the back and the props, and enough power in the lights. This will be much easier with say a limited DR DSLR, than an Alexa or Red with their huge DRs.
If you're trying to recreate the exact look of that video, you'll notice that the studio they used has a curved floor... It's not just a straight black wall. Many film studios and almost all photography studios have walls like this. They are usually white or green. I've seen some studios that have a giant role of thick paper that you can pull down to change the BG color to something like black or dark grey.