announcement Three year free Premiere Membership contest


Sorry man, (I’ll remove it) I was just playing around with it for something to do (I’m not into the contest myself, actually I didn’t think you were into it either for ome reason -sorry.), I liked the font though.

I’m curious what points it was trying to convey, or what you were going for. I liked the corners meeting, but I don't really get what it's supposed to be the overall. Just abstract?


I do what I want, but thanks for pointing that out -you've made me a better person. :lol:

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I’m curious what points it was trying to convey, or what you were going for. I liked the corners meeting, but I don't really get what it's supposed to be the overall. Just abstract?

You must not have read what I wrote in the post...

"its got all the things I like most about a logo, it encompasses the topics this forum is related to (community, film) includes the name, and letters of the two words that make up the name subliminally." :D
I have a logo I am going to use. No it is not from this thread it was designed awhile back and I never used it. I looked at it recently and I like it.

I'm going to do a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place for efforts here.

1st (1 year Premiere) TheOpusFuller - You are a great designer. That logo rocks. I may contact you in the future about stuff.

2nd (6 months Premeire extension) Will Vincent - The concept you were going for is sort of similar to the logo I am using. For this reason, you come in second.

3rd (1 month Premiere extension) Dreadylocks - Nice work there.

Thanks to all that gave it a go!
I did read it, and should have said I don’t see how those elements are communicated in the imagine.
I understand that is what you were going for (and that is cool, it’s a fine design), but I don’t understand or see the leap from a rectangle, a circle and something that kind of looks like film to “Encompasses the topics this forum is related to (community, film)..”, and was wondering what if anything specific the imagine was supposed to be that would make that connection to me, or if it’s just those ideas presented in an abstract kind of way.

Congrats! Opus, Will and Dready. :)

I have a logo I am going to use. No it is not from this thread it was designed awhile back and I never used it. I looked at it recently and I like it.

I'm going to do a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place for efforts here.

1st (1 year Premiere) TheOpusFuller - You are a great designer. That logo rocks. I may contact you in the future about stuff.

2nd (6 months Premeire extension) Will Vincent - The concept you were going for is sort of similar to the logo I am using. For this reason, you come in second.

3rd (1 month Premiere extension) Dreadylocks - Nice work there.

Thanks to all that gave it a go!

I feel rather slighted by this snub. I thought my logo was pretty sweet. :(
I gave you a trial membership boobie prize.
Too awesome! That IT is a swell guy :) Welcome new premiere folks to the hidden party that goes on 24/7/364 ( We need a day off to recover every once in a while ).
Congratulations, everyone! Some nice efforts all around. And I for one am looking forward to the new site design.
I'm sure I'll miss our old familiar grey. So long as it is easy to read and doesn't have colors that make my eyes bleed, I'm sure the new design will be great! I look forward to seeing it. :yes:

-- spinner :cool:
was wondering what if anything specific the imagine was supposed to be that would make that connection to me, or if it’s just those ideas presented in an abstract kind of way.
Look at the whole image, not its pieces. ;)
The only other hint I'll give you is that community is often represented by a figure with outstretched arms...

Oh, and thanks indietalk! Hooray for extensions.. lol. I'm excited to see the new logo and the redesigned site.
Once the site is redesigned maybe we'll bring back the film challenges we used to do. Some of you remember them. First things first. Redesign site then make it better with features and contests etc. (hint: the redesign is also an overhaul of the site's software so I have to wait until after).
Wow, this is great news! I popped in here and to my surprise, I see that I placed #1. Glorious!

Thanks Indie. And absolutely, always down for crushing through some ideas if ever needed.

See you guys on the flip side AKA Premiere Status Side.