Youtube Subs

"it's like an etiquette thing"
It is? I think it's bad practice personally.
I sub to people I work with, sure, but not just random people who sub to me. I don't want people to sub to me for the sake of it. Subscribe to my channel if you like my music, not because you want me to subscribe to yours.
If you want a sub from me you have to prove you're a person - talk to me, work with me maybe. I subscribe to people I help too, people I teach music and music production to, I subscribe to them on SoundCloud and Youtube to keep track of their progression and to help promote their work.

Sub for sub? No thanks. :/
= Sub for sub? No thanks. :/

Sorry, I was probably taken too literally in what I said. My mistake in the way I phrased it.:blush:
I don't automatically sub back every sub that I get. I do look at every channel that subs me & if there seems to me to be some sort of reason to be doing so either because they are doing some good stuff or I perceive that there's value in doing so I sub back.
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Thats a strong point :P

I actually meant how to get in touch with the right people, people that are interested in the content of my channel.
But instead I wrote that, you are right though.
"it's like an etiquette thing"
It is? I think it's bad practice personally.
I sub to people I work with, sure, but not just random people who sub to me. I don't want people to sub to me for the sake of it. Subscribe to my channel if you like my music, not because you want me to subscribe to yours.
If you want a sub from me you have to prove you're a person - talk to me, work with me maybe. I subscribe to people I help too, people I teach music and music production to, I subscribe to them on SoundCloud and Youtube to keep track of their progression and to help promote their work.

Sub for sub? No thanks. :/

I agree. The people I'm subscribed to are people I know personally, really good youtubers who I legitimentally wait out for their content (for me this is people like Devinsupertramp and corridor digital) and other film makers who have shown an interest in my work and have supported me and I consider their work to be of interest to me as well. All up I'm subbed to about 50. I don't even look at who subscribes to me.

I use my subscriptions as a place to follow the people I want to follow.....

Steve I've watched a few and I get the feeling he is still finding his main area or interest, there's a bit of variety.

Awesome builder, just go out and build some awesome content please, don't think about subs. If you deserve them then they will eventually come! But you gotta do something in the first place to make it happen (make videos!)


Like I said in the second post in this thread but it seemed to have gone unnoticed... Not sure if it's because it's not the answer anyone wanted to hear but it looks like the overall agreement finally took my favor.

"It's simple. make good, compelling content. "

The sub for sub model is horrible and does nothing for the foundation of building a loyal audience. It comes down to a simple factor. MAKE GOOD, COMPELLING CONTENT.

The people I subscribe to are people that put out content that I want to watch on a regular basis. It's a simple television/episodic formula. You put out a video and you keep putting out videos on that same day/same time. If you put up a video and don't post anything for a few months nobody is going to subscribe. Your channel doesn't turn into a destination point for the viewer, it's a simple one off view and they move on. You have to stick to the formula of putting out something on a reoccurring basis. It's as simple as that.

In my opinion, asking people how to gain subscriptions on youtube is like asking, "How do I get hired at a company, receive a paycheck, but not do any work."
I of course noticed your post, the thanks was for the two of you. And I will take it all in mind. I really learned something from this post, your subs are worthless when they are just there for the sake of it. They will come when your vids have a good content.

I´ll certainly continue with making vids and thanks for the tips everyone!