[Aug 7] What are you working on this week?

Relaxing back home after a great vacation in Europe. Working on getting my scenes that I shot the last 18 months to put a new reel together. It's hard to get Sag stuff but I grew up where it was harder to get my stuff from the local filmmakers. If i can get it from the local guys this should be a breeze.

Having a viewing of regionrat on Friday. Cant wait to see it. I think Im in every scene except two. No pressure. :/ Trailer https://vimeo.com/193596539?ref=fb-share

Also, a movie I did a few years ago with Kevin Sorbo and Stephen Baldwin The UnMirale dropped on the first at Walmart. https://www.facebook.com/theUnMirac...fy0GP8L415kKj5ZMY77aoWRINtDIszYHM&pnref=story

The break has been nice hanging with my old friends that dont talk shop at all.
My co-workers at Western Stage Props are packing up and heading to Combat Con here in Vegas. I am missing all the fun and staying in the office promoting our new bullet hit squib rig and other fun goodies. I'm sad that I don't get to socialize with like minded folks in person, but at least I still have the fun of being able to do it online!
I don't usually post on my projects as they are mostly uninteresting things to non-audio types (dialog editing/cleanup gigs, indie musicians, etc.), and the "good stuff" usually involves NDAs.

Since August is a slow month for me this week I'm doing a "minor" studio renovation. I just received from B&H today two (2) new computer monitors, a new video monitor, and a new track-ball plus other sundry items. I'm also emptying the control to the bare walls so I can do a deep detailed cleaning of the studio - wash the walls, vacuum the sound treatment, shampoo the carpets, clean the glass between the control room & the studio, clean and plush everything. Then I'll do the same to the studio. This hasn't been done in quite a while and is long overdue. I'm looking forward to that clean, fresh smell.

I'm also looking for a new chair if anyone has suggestions.
First review for a documentaries edit was today. To my surprise, they loved the first edit (essentially a rushed rough cut). Outside, "we've changed the name since last time" and a few cosmetic changes, it's done. You just cannot pick it sometimes.
Shot a few thousand pictures on an oil vessel at a shipyard in the past few days.
Nothing creative: for the archieve.

Found a location for my short film Koekjes. :)
First review for a documentaries edit was today. To my surprise, they loved the first edit (essentially a rushed rough cut). Outside, "we've changed the name since last time" and a few cosmetic changes, it's done. You just cannot pick it sometimes.

Skills, mate. Skills.