> Producers and Directors: BLS Occupational Employment and Wages

That was an interesting read. :cool:

Gotta say, though... whoever wrote it ain't been walkin' in anyone's shoes. Very clinical.
Sorry to say, but those are the real numbers guys. You forget how people treat the poor. We are all getting underpaid, becuase we are all getting underpaid.

I spend more time than I'd like with a group of corporate middlemen. Most don't break 100 IQ. None of them makes less than 100k a year, and most on this form (over 30) are far more skilled in general.

I've observed their behavior, and how they appraise a persons worth. Basically, the more money they see you have, the more you deserve to make. So this is how the dumbest jock from your high school shop class gets paid 4x your salary. It started with stupid people being in the majority. So if you are stupid, you automatically have 10x as many people that identify with you. So they get more friends faster. (Remember fraternity row from your college) Those friends become connections, and the connections become money. They are also too dumb to know about things to spend money on (I can't believe this is true, but it is) and thus can save better than a smart person, that can constantly envision ways to spend and progress.

So it's years later, and Jetthro has an Edie bower SUV and an armani suit. He's drunk at the bar, talking about sports with his friends and making even more connections, while we all work endless hours alone in our studios, actually providing something besides talk. And they see him as one of them, and you as a wage slave. And that's what's happening.

They will hand 100 IQ Jetthro 10x your resources, say 100k, and then look at you and say, you see why I can't pay you fairly, He's doing more than you. They are just too idiotic to make the connection between the fact that that guy did FAR less than you, and actually just hired 5 guys like you for 10 grand each, and kept 50k for forwarding your emails. In the eyes of the others, Jetthro has now accomplished 5 times as much as you, plus they are a respectable member of society with 50k in the bank. Even though you did all the work, spent all the time, got all the education and Jetthro just sat on his ass making phone calls. They force a structure where another gets credit for your work, and then use that to make you look like you don't count.

Then it's time to underpay you, to keep down the bottom line, allowing for more money for golf with Jetthro.