Which Language should i use in Movie??

HI these days i am planning to write ascript. and i want it to have global access.just wanted to know should i write in my mother tongue which is URDU and subtitled in English? or should i go with English???i personally think directly dubbing in English will give me more higher chanse to attract sales agents and distributors......... the only problem will be of accent............
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Hi Clive well your site is great...well wanted to know what are the normal terms and condition about DVD selling????how much the distributor gets in normal as his share???is advertising his strategy??are there realy distributors who deal in DVDs only???????etc etc??any articled on this issue?
what is the normal price set ?????
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Well Thanks a lot CLive...can you just tell me how can i utilise the site Jaman

and can you tell me few more good links related to indies stuff???

By the way what are you doing these days?

This year I'm doing what I suggested to you. I'm going to do some basic research into trends in the industry and introduce myself to producers and distribution companies.
Its a request Clive that what ever thing you research please send me the details??its a request you can say from a student....if you think this place isnt suitable then you can take my id adeelakhter247@hotmail.com

and if you still dont want to share the research of
some basic research into trends in the industry
then tell me clearly...i will not mind it

but you will realy beak a sweet heart [:d] an innocent heart


by the way can you please tell me of any link from where i can get the list of DVD distributors???i will research on this topic about their requirements etc etc

The home page of this forum has a link called "New Posts"

Every time you log on you'll see a list of new things on the forum, since the last time you logged in. The writer of each thread and the last poster are always listed.

When I post anything about Cannes, I'll put "Cannes Film Festival in the thread title.

I'm also going to create specific posts on my own web magazine $1000 Film... (by the way, sorry the site looks a mess at the moment - we've got the builders in)

The best way to make sure you don't miss any posts on that is to set up an iGoogle account and then follow the site via the RSS feed. Which you do just by pasting the URL into the igoogle "add feed" popup on the "ADD" page.

Or, you could just check in on the site anytime after May 25th and do a site search for "Cannes"
Clive you didnt gave the answer of my post of this:

3) Know the names of the ten people who are most likely to buy your movie, before you start shooting

suppose if i am a young filmmaker making a movie for the first time how can i be sure that thoes ten [or even one] is realy interested in buying my movie when it is my first time??how can somebody trust me?????

can you tell me about it??

can you clear me this issue?
This is going to have to be a quick answer, because my time is very precious at the moment.

So, the way you identify the ten people who are most likely to buy your film is to find films that are similar in genre to the film you are making and then check to see who distributed them. Information like that you can get by reading the end credits of the movie and also by checking the DVD cover.

So a film like Monsoon Wedding was distributed by Film Four, who were based in the UK, but have since closed down. Other European distributors are listed here:


It also helps to read Variety and Screen International

Once you have a distribution company name, you go to their website and look at the contacts or staff list. Pick out the person whose job seems to match the acquisition of your movie.

That's all for now... got to pack