The chicken or the egg? (actors or set first?)

How do you go about setting up a shoot for a short film? Secure a set and specific day/time, and then find actors who can be there that day/time?

Or get actors and then secure venue day/time around actors' schedules?
Trying to option both on several dates, then finetune.
Whatever is optioned first, will dictate your question to the others.
It can be a hybrid approach :)
I've always gotten the actors first and locked in their availability for given date(s), then gotten the locations for those dates. But I'm sure WalterB's way would work too.
I guess it depends on the timetable.
If you plans months in advance there is less need to try do both at the same time.
If you have to move fast, you will need to get all options on the table asap and solve the puzzle with the pieces you get.
It depends on the actors and locations.

If you're working with a well known actor then they are the priority!! schedule them first.
If your location is irreplaceable and only available on weekdays then you need to keep that in mind when you cast your talent.

It's all about circumstances
I'd cast first, it's not even uncommon to cast before anything else, it may even take a year to cast if you can't find the right actor, so I'd get that together and if you can complete your cast and your production is ready then you secure your locations, but these need to be scouted first of course, and you can make tentative arrangements, so you can do this anytime, even while casting. Just ask their availability same as you would to the actors.
As everyone else has said, it depends. The only right way is the way
that works for you in your specific situation. This isn't a chicken or
egg issue.

I never start the casting process without shoot dates. Granted, I live
in an area where a notice will attract more than 50 people for each
role – even for a non-paid job. Given enough time a dedicated actor
can adjust their schedule.

But I do see that if you live in a area with few actors that process could
take months.
Just dive in and figure it out, and it will work out. The best way is sometimes... (and you will learn what works and what doesn't)


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