Getting free views for videos

Free views for your videos

Sup people,
I am working in the web company that deals with delivering visitors to content and have access to some part of those visitors as a part of my compensation, I used those to promote some of my filmmaking tries, but obviously, I don't create a new movie everyday so I can't post my own shorts each time there, so I have some free views of people who can view your shorts. Our company works this way that it has a lot of banners across different third party websites and people just see the small picture previews of some cool articles or videos and then they click and get straight to your video page.
So basically I can get free video views to anybody like one video a day, it might get 1000-5000 real views, so obviously if it's a cool short it would be spread further by viral power of sharing. However I cannot send those people to crappy videos, like my company won't accept this, so if someone wants his video to get those few thousand views (no matter on vimeo or youtube or other platform) first post it here and let others decide if its worth of getting the views, or send me private note we can talk further on this.
Hope this doesn't break any kind of rules, as I don't charge anything for the views and my primal motivation here is to help fellow film buddies get some views, as I personally understand how people can be desperate when they want an attention to their freshly made clip.
Still, if this post breaks some rules please move it to the appropriate location.
Hope this would help someone to get the exposure!
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Which websites/company, if you don't mind me asking? Also, for what it's worth:

I'm putting together a few more serious video projects in the (very) near future -- my previous videos have pretty much either been for class or just for fun.

Nice videos, I personally think I can put the spud gun up for first time but let's wait a little to see what else can be suggested. I would PM you the site name so that it won't be considered any kind of a spam.