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watch TANTRUM - A Short Movie

Hi there everyone!

We are Afterschool Pictures, a film maker team from Indonesia
Our first film was called "ALEGORI" now avalaible on youtube (link provided at bottom)

Now we are back with our second film "TANTRUM", directed by Albert Koto Indardyo
The story and all the music on the film is 100% original
The film is in Indonesian but it has a great english subtitle :)

here is a synopsis of our movie :
"An adventurous couple wanted to have a unique romantic picnic. A simple time together away from distractions, and they found a nice quiet place in the woods. But something else was expecting them, and what was once a romantic picnic turned upside down. "


Afterschool Pictures' TANTRUM

open the link, buffer till finish, turn up the volume, put on your 3D glasses if you have, and ENJOY :D

comments and critics are very welcome..
thank you very much!

For those who haven't watch our first film, check it out now!
Afterschool Pictures' ALEGORI
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