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watch SHERYL'S KEYOSK - 24p HV20 tests

I found out that this year is Sheryl's 20th year at her key shop (the keyosk I call it) so the timing couldn't be better for this short profile doc. Check out the test footage on Vimeo.


Link: http://vimeo.com/22316031

It just went live so give it some time to load. And the QT file I uploaded is 1440 x 1080 so check it out full screen.

*Note* I was not recording for audio, but laid a scratch track in there for ambient sound.

Thanks for watching. :)
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Absolutely gorgeous, Jeff. Great shots. I'm assuming you had the .7 adapter on as well?

Looking forward to seeing the finished doc.
Thanks guys. Yes, I definitely had the wide on.

I'd like to get more ND filters and other filters for exterior shots. It made a huge difference, especially with the blue sky and clouds. Coulda used one of those 50/50 filters to take down the white sky.

I'm just happy that the 24p workflow is now within grasp.
Thanks CF. I'm making due with what I have until I can get me one o' them fancy-shmancy DSLRs! :eek: I'm going to do a trade with someone for their t2i down the road. Learning curve? Hello!
This clip exported at a weird frame rate. Not sure why. The bit rate setting may have been off.


I don't know if this will become a full on documentary (in the traditional sense) or more of a profile piece. Either way I'm having fun with the footage. I guess documentaries are what you make of them. Aiming for a rough cut by October.
I agree...this is the heart of direct cinema. It happened directly, so put it in the film! It helps tell the story.
Agreed. After seeing the docs I LIKE TO KILL FLIES and THE PARKING LOT MOVIE, I'll probably (mostly) run with the "anything goes" approach.

Interesting about Direct Cinema:


Direct Cinema is a documentary genre that originated between 1958 and 1962 in North America, principally in the Canadian province of Quebec and the United States. Similar in many respects to the cinéma vérité genre, It was characterized initially by filmmakers' desire to directly capture reality and represent it truthfully, and to question the relationship of reality with cinema.