On The Lot: Discuss the show

I agree with everything knightly and rik said, but I'd add that they picked the wrong filmmakers. They just don't look like they have it together.

In response to your blog, I thought the premise of the show was to find a "director" and allow them to use "The Lot" to make the films. This is how they pitched it during Idol. I was expecting to see these director hopefuls get handed a production crew (writer, editor, gaffer, grips, production designer, etc.) and turned loose on the lot to go make their films with access to professional cameras and operators, professional lighting, quality set designs, makeup, costumes, et. al. These 3 minute shorts have nothing to do with the lot and as such the production is losing the core audience. And as mentioned ad nauseum there is a huge interest in what goes on behind the scenes so having that footage continually hit the cutting room floor and not the airwaves is a major mistake. When rik talked of shooting a lot of behind the scenes footage I hoped this weeks' installment would show more of it. But, sadly, that was not to be. I was disappointed this week not only in the format but also the quality of the films. It is barely holding my interest and, as an aspiring filmmaker myself, that is horrible feedback for this production. I will slog through the remaining season out of morbid curiosity, though. Now if Zach comes back and chokes like Andy did then I'll probably turn it off and keep it to DVR where I can cut straight to the films and guest director commentary. I'll use it as a lesson in what not to do.

Marty Martin is no Quentin Tarantino, so he needs to ditch the attitude. I thought he had the best visual style this week, but calling Carrie's comments rude whether or not they were wasn't necessary. He'll lose votes on the attitude alone because there are many who still respect the judges and their opinions, me included. Respect goes both ways; you have to give it to get it.
Here is my take on what is happening. I have been following this show since it's announcement in March of 2006 and subsequently the website as I have received all my information about the show from there.

When the announced the show it was supposed to be exactly like you stated VP the contestants (Directors) will be selected from around the world then knocked down to 16 contestants and given a goal of shooting a movie each week with as they put it "the best writers, editors, and crew in the business".

When we saw them going through the process of coming up with a logline, i thought well that could be a part of the process so I went with it.

The next challenge was to create a 1 minute movie from a pre-conceived script that was already written and cast. That seemed to follow the original design, however they never fully showed those clips.

Then they were given what seemed a challenge to create a 1 minute comedy short and it looked to me that they were given the best crew, effects and talent available. You look at those shorts as they showed them and it had the production value even if the directors couldn't pull it off (ex. kenny and his crazy cab movie, while I see where he was going with it, it just could have been better)

Then in the last two weeks we see movies that are shot with camcorders and while some of them had some decent talent, most of them had sub-par talent that would have never made it on television. When I look at the show description on my DVR I read "The filmmakers show their personal submission films" Now these are not the films on the site but going back to the original rules on the website, once you have been selected you will need to create an additional "creative" personal submission video that judges will vote on to determine whether you will be selected to go to Los Angeles. These, I believe are the videos that they are showing.

I feel really bad if they are because of two reasons:

1. The Directors are not being given all of the resources of the contest anymore
2. You know that the show will not last long.

Well, this is the way I saw it unfold. It is only my opinion because I don't have the facts to back it up. But if anyone can let me know that I am wrong with some facts, Please do because this has been disappointing.
The movies they are currently running through are the website submissions that got them on the show. I personally feel these have already been judged by the american public (unless I miss my mark on the rating system that got them on the show) and showing them to america again is a cheap way to pave their way through the season, rather than letting the filmmakers actually compete against each other...unless they're using these 4-5 weeks to have the contestants who have already been put through on this phase of the show make their next pieces...in which case, I'm all for it...but it could have been stated somewhere on screen what we were actually watching, that would have been nice and seem less arbitrary.
Poke - I think they DID pick the right people. This is a reality show first. The original intent was to show these people working. and the arguments, confusion and failures is what makes reality TV work. They needed a few competent people who can work through the challenges, but they also needed people with indefensible ego, they needed the film school grads who couldn't cut it, the needed the diamond in the rough, the needed the nerd that surprised you. The directors weren't chosen based on merit, or even their movies - they were cast like any other TV show.

Eddie - you aren't wrong. The original concept was very different. We shot interviews all of the country (and had crews in other countries) and then did extensive behind the scenes when the top 100 shot a movie in their home town. What we all saw were those movies - just as you suspected.

For some reason (and us camera crews are as in the dark as anyone) the producers changed the concept. I think it was because the ratings were so low they couldn't afford two shows a week. And I know that the one page/one hour shoots were a disaster. Why they didn't air I have no idea. It was AMAZING to see these directors with a pro crew. Most were completely lost and intimidated. Exactly the opposite of what nearly all directors think will happen when they have an experienced, professional crew. What I saw would make great reality TV.
I concur with everything that has been said.

But I wanted to add...

Kenny's last short was fricking GENIUS BRILLIANT, and I want him to win.
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directorik said:

Eddie - you aren't wrong. The original concept was very different. We shot interviews all of the country (and had crews in other countries) and then did extensive behind the scenes when the top 100 shot a movie in their home town. What we all saw were those movies - just as you suspected.


This makes sense, but this is not why I tuned into the show. I wanted to see them make films on the lot, not spend three weeks of the show watching films that should've been online and not on the air.

Hell, if they weren't getting the ratings they should've shown more of the drama, not cut it out entirely. It would have eventually grabbed the reality TV crowd and not just other aspiring fimmmakers looking to follow the same (or similar) dream of working in Hollywood.
If you want to make a Hollywood movie, don't make an experimental film on On The Lot. That's like going on American Idol and making typewriter sounds with your teeth instead of singing. That's what I got from the last one tonight. They need to realize this is pop culture. If they are buying into it they need to sell out. That's why these shows suck, lol.
Jessica continues to dissapoint. I can't believe she's a film school graduate. She has zero story sense. No one is going to identify with a tree. Spielberg did "scary + tree" right in Poltergeist. At least she learned from Marty's mistake and took her criticism well. Is anyone else not surprised by tonight's outcome?

Zach still has my vote. Way to go, Zach. Thanks for renewing my interest in seeing what comes next.

And is it just me or did someone actually listen to feedback and tighten things up by getting rid of the stupid dramatic pauses? Tonight's episode flowed much better, IMO.
First time I watched it. Sunshine Girl was the best.
I liked the first 2 episodes and was really looking forward to seeing the third with more of them working with the Pros and seeing how they’d fare but alas that wasn’t to be and they turned it into this idol crappy thing… losing interest fast
Things are finally starting to come together. Tonight's shorts were much better. The first one, "Doctor In-Law" was hilarious. I actually liked that one the best, although I still feel Zach has a job at Dreamworks whether or not he wins this competition. He's really the only one I can see working alongside Spielberg. He has the vision to see things clearly in his mind whether or not he can see it through the viewfinder.

A couple of the shorts fell flat for me comedically, but overall I enjoyed them.
much better show tonight...they actually showed some on the set bits and the shorts were much better quality. YAY! I liked Zach's and Will's with the brain surgery.
Last show is finally stuff they've made "on the lot". According to an aintitcool.com interviewee, the last round of films were the second round submissions for the contestants from back in january.
Soooo.... Did everyone just stop watching, or just stop caring?

I'm getting pretty good at predicting who gets cut. This week, I think Andrew and Sam are in trouble. I know you like Andrew, knightly but he hasn't been impressing me much lately. I like Zach, but this week was all about the "suck up". :lol:
I've been watching!

Zach's was weak this week because he's been consistently so good. Will, my favorite of the lot of them, made an awesome flick again. Loved Jason's this week, and to be honest, the others were pretty good as well. Finally, the show is started to recover from that post-premiere dive in quality.
It's also kind of funny how Marshall and Fischer were always blathering on about having more women directors, and now there's none... and poor Kenny! I loved that guy! He was crazy... I guess a little TOO crazy... hmmm...

Watch it next week! You might see me in the audience!! (I'm still waiting for them to book my flight, and until they do nothing's for sure, but I'm satisfied this whole LA excursion is legit!)
I've met Andrew, that's the only difference between the competitors for me. :) I didn't stop caring, just commenting. They've gotten better about showing some of the BTS instead of the Get to know the people drama junk.

Watch it next week! You might see me in the audience!! (I'm still waiting for them to book my flight, and until they do nothing's for sure, but I'm satisfied this whole LA excursion is legit!)

If they haven't booked your flight yet, then that's going to be one expensive ticket. I've had to book last minute flights to Toronto before.

Since it's live, you know you need to do something off the wall to get noticed so we can all notice you! Just don't do anything too crazy or you'll be a victim of the delay (with thanks to Janet and Justin).

I liked Will's, too. If I had to pick a favorite for the night it would be his, although I agreed that he needed to establish more nervous tension between the two "humans" at the beginning. The guy walked away a bit too quickly. He needed a sheepish over-the-shoulder glance.

And, yes, knightly, BTS footage is good. Someone listened. Let's hope the show recovered enough ratings to bring it back for another season.
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If they haven't booked your flight yet, then that's going to be one expensive ticket. I've had to book last minute flights to Toronto before.

Since it's live, you know you need to do something off the wall to get noticed so we can all notice you! Just don't do anything too crazy or you'll be a victim of the delay (with thanks to Janet and Justin).

Yeah, must be expensive! Hence, my "wtf" reaction to the fact that they're flying me out there to... uh.... blog about it?

If they weren't being super-nice and spoiling me rotten, you better bet I'd be going nuts in that crowd, but I think good behavior is in order... lest I get deported to Syria... I'll try and figure something out (sans exposed nipple), but you can bet I'll keep you peeps updated once I figure out exactly what I'm doing exactly... hmmm...