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Movie idea

Okay what about this idea? Its called "swiped". Where two guys have no money and cant afford anything. So to make their problems go away they adopt a couple of kids and get on government support and get anything they want. Food, house, travel, you name it. What do you think? It was my dad's idea.
Well, sure. There's a lot of places you could go, with that story.

It could turn into a classic, like Oliver Twist. Or it could crash & burn, and turn into Bad Teacher.

The loose idea is fine. Now go turn it into something great. :)

Idea =/= script.

Idea of Hangover is guys trying to remember what happened last night. That's just an idea. Turning it into script that is the hardest part. Can you do it?
I like the idea, but I think its missing something. It can't be just them getting free stuff all the time. There has to be a problem. Like maybe the kids find out? Right now I'm writing something else. So once I am done with that then I might jump on this.
Okay what about this idea? Its called "swiped". Where two guys have no money and cant afford anything. So to make their problems go away they adopt a couple of kids and get on government support and get anything they want. Food, house, travel, you name it. What do you think? It was my dad's idea.

What's the conflict? Why should I go see this movie? In two sentences, excite me about the film! Make me want to see your film!

Good luck! :cool:
Where two guys have no money and cant afford anything. So to make their problems go away they adopt a couple of kids and get on government support and get anything they want. Food, house, travel, you name it. What do you think? It was my dad's idea.

Well, it's pretty far fetched as a premise goes. First off, if they have no money I can't see how they would believably be able to adopt any kids. Then, if they did somehow manage to pull that off, it's not like they would actually get "anything they want" - more like they'd get pretty minimal assistance in the form of food vouchers, etc. Probably barely enough to feed the kids, let alone themselves.

So to me the fundamental conflict and source of comedy would have to be the clash between their expectations and the reality of their situation. They think that by adopting a kid they'll get all kinds of free stuff from the government, the reality is that things only get much much harder than they ever could have imagined.

Actual adoption is probably out of the question - easier to make it something where one of the guys finds out he has a kid he didn't know about. The mom wants him to take the kid, but he has no interest - until his buddy convinces him it's worth it so they can get all the free stuff. I'm thinking they're both total stoners, the buddy lost his tv remote and was too lazy to get up and change the channel, and so spent the entire weekend watching a rush limbaugh marathon on fox news, which planted the idea of living high on the hog off of government assistance. They take the kid and hilarity ensues.

Now it's a setup for your standard "irresponsible guy learns life lessons and finally decides to grow up" comedy, but with a strong crossover appeal to the cheech & chong/harold & kumar crowd.
I would make it into a black comedy. The two men get what they want from the government. The adopted children, boy and girl, are smart enough to cause trouble and or take it all away from the men who try to do the same to the government. A circle is made. It could work.