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  1. Walter_Smidge

    favorite New 10 favorite movies

    New list for me... no order of cource... Garden State 10 things i hate about you Lord of the rings (trilogy) The Dish Back to the Future Indiana Jones Gallipoli Dogma Donnie Darko Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and many more...
  2. Walter_Smidge

    The 100 SCARIEST movie scenes...

    #90 definatly scared the begeezers out of me.... one thing i dont see is that flying dog from Neverending Story... that scred the hell outta me!
  3. Walter_Smidge

    green screen time

    I would make it yourself...its cheaper and you can use the remaining money on the rest of your film.... as for places to get Green screens, if you can find one on Ebay i think it probably would be trustful as people who want to rip you off usually go for things that a wider variety of people...
  4. Walter_Smidge

    How To Make The Sin City Effect?

    does anyone have any examples of colour pass work done through after effects.... i'd like to see how it looks...
  5. Walter_Smidge

    Which director would you choose?

    Robert Rodriguez definatly... he has definatly proven himself to be able to direct anything....
  6. Walter_Smidge

    shooting in a fridge?

    A small digi camera (prosumer or consumer) should fit easily onto a shelf in the fridge, if you need movement though, thats a different story, maybe you can get a cmaeraman in there too, lol
  7. Walter_Smidge

    Peter Jacksons Kong Video Driarys, a must see!

    Hey all, i dunno if you guys know about this, but Peter Jackson has a whole production diary thing happening for his new take on Kong... Its pretty interesting, showing all the different departments at work on this film (and a whole lot of aussie and Nz accents as well :D) and there is even a...
  8. Walter_Smidge

    Older doesnt necisarily mean badder.

    also Hard drives may come into play, with Digital recorders taking over DVD players or something... i am not sure on this one as i was told it.... but then how do u get the movies to the recorder??? i am thinking that the next thing to come will be HDDVD.... and it will be a lot smaller... cos...
  9. Walter_Smidge

    Donnie Darko?

    where was the reference to Back to the future???? i missed that one
  10. Walter_Smidge

    Who Would You Hire?

    For me it would be: Kirsten Dunst John Cleese Johnny Depp Jim Carey ( a serious jim carey) Clive Owen Jessica Alba Naomi Watts Michael J Fox ( parkinsons removed) Jessica Beils and Antonio Banderas
  11. Walter_Smidge

    watch Unlucky - Short

    good work there.... just pretty much capping off what some of the others said... the music got a bit too loud but i guess it didnt overtake the narration which is the main dialouge of the film anyways... other than that great work... i didnt see the end coming at all! -Walt
  12. Walter_Smidge

    favorite New 10 favorite movies

    My pick after seeing a couple of new flicks would be: (in no order at all) 1. Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind 2. Two Hands 3. Shaun of the Dead 4. The El mariachi seiries ( el mariachi , desperado, once upon a time in mexico... yeah i know there are 3, but i am counting seiries as 1...
  13. Walter_Smidge

    favorite Your Favorite Weather

    Heavy grey clouds with a strong wind.... i love the feeling of something dark coming soon.... its so good! :D
  14. Walter_Smidge

    Low Budget Film Tricks

    thats some really cool info filmy... thanks... if u have more let me know! its good to have this kinda info in the industry! thanks will
  15. Walter_Smidge

    Low Budget Film Tricks

    Hey, For my film cource i am doing i have to create some form of Documentary style production... and so i chose to do a "how to" style info doco about tips and tricks used by Low budget filmmakers... you know things like using corn syrup and dye with a bit of cocoa powder to make blood...
  16. Walter_Smidge


    how much of a grant did u get???
  17. Walter_Smidge

    Why Filmmaking?

    i make films mainly cos they are fun... thats the simple answer.... they are fun to do.... if i wanted to go more in depth i could say that i am into filmmaking cos i love to tell stories and i feel that filmmaking is the best medium i know... but in all truth... its fun...
  18. Walter_Smidge

    FX for Low Budget Projects

    sounds interesting mate.... do you have a website????
  19. Walter_Smidge

    New here...

    ouch that was harsh....... i mean i have seen some harsh punishments but this is a PG forum mate!!! :D anyways rick welcome
  20. Walter_Smidge

    DVD Creation

    hmmm i didnt get that problem... but then again computers are tempremental and have some wicked attitudes....