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  1. M

    Looking for the right festival for my film

    Hey, I was wondering if anyway one knew of any good teen/student/amateur film contests that would accept my 27 minute short. Everywhere I look the time limits are allways under 20. The film can be seen here if anyone is interested (critique and advice is welcome)...
  2. M

    Ryerson University

    I am considering attending Ryerson University (in Toronto) for Film Production. Would anyone be able to give me any information on this program? I would love to hear from some graduates or current students. Thanks.
  3. M

    watch The Funny Thing About Nietzsche (first short) Hey guys, this is my first attempt at film making. Its a comedic short film about an oblivious young man named Benjamin Longmuir. Its called "The Funny Thing About Nietzsche". What do you think?