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    588 (First Draft)

    That sounds great thank you!

    588 (First Draft)

    Hey Alex The slug lines are highlighted in yellow for my own personal preference. I wanted to quickly be able to see where I was while writing being that at times I had 2 slug lines on one page. I agree with you there is definitely a lot of cleaning up of the script Yeah this is a pretty...

    588 (First Draft)

    588 (First Draft) FEEDBACK PLEASE!! So it's been almost a year since I last posted on here. Since then I've written a couple short script. Directed a couple music videos and short films. So finished a new script. This one is loosely based on the life of an artist client who wants to shoot a...

    The Journey to My First Script

    The Journey to My First Script - First 5 Pages So after receiving some great feedback from many of you I've chosen to share the first 5 pages...well the first 4 pages the first page is my cover. All feedback is warranted. Thank you in advance! PS MUCH THANKS TO FANTASYSCIFI I USED YOUR...

    The Journey to My First Script

    Understood! thank you for you response. You've also helped me identify action change as well.

    The Journey to My First Script

    Wait I see what you did. You put the direction into the action rather than a parenthetical

    The Journey to My First Script

    thank you so much for the feedback. When using parenthetical should I avoid placing any acting or tone direction? I thought I could use parenthetical to help the actors convey the line properly? I appreciate you you reformatting my opening scene. I definitely have a better understand of how...

    The Journey to My First Script

    El Director thank you for the feedback!! I appreciate it a lot! I chose Celtx due to it being able to access the Celtx Scripts from my iphone/ipad when I'm not home. When I don't have internet access on my laptop I have the Celtx desktop software. I will definitely check out FadeIn. I'm using...

    The Journey to My First Script

    Journey To My First Script - Update So after developing my Characters I have begun writing. So far I'm 7 pages into the script and I'm feeling pretty good. I'm using Celtx Studio to help me with script formatting. I want to start the movie off with a montage. All feedback is welcome! EXT...

    The Journey to My First Script

    The Journey to My First Script - Characters Good Day! So I've finally decided to work on my first script. I currently don't have a name for the script and I'm working on the Outline for the short. I'm actually pretty nervous about how it will turn out. I've spent the last 14 years of my life...