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  1. BROKEN2005

    ALL of Christopher Nolan's Screenplays (Download)

    Thought you may like this amazing resource. ALL of Christopher Nolan's Screenplays, in PDF, for download. Enjoy!
  2. BROKEN2005

    How To Write A Screenplay with Fight Club Screenwriter Jim Uhls

    We I have a MAJOR treat for the tribe this week. I have no other than Jim Uhls, the master screenwriter behind David Fincher’s “Fight Club”, one of the greatest films in my generation, in my humble option. When Chuck Palahniuk’s Fight Club was making the rounds in Hollywood, it was a tough sale...
  3. BROKEN2005

    Why Filmmakers are Always So F*ckin' Broke & What They Can Do to Change It!

    I hope I got your attention with that title. I’m truly PISSED OFF guys and am tired of seeing my fellow indie filmmakers and artists struggle to make a living doing what they love. I decided to put together a list of 7 steps that every indie filmmaker needs to do in order to thrive in the film...
  4. BROKEN2005

    Why You Don’t Always Need a Screenplay to Make a Great Film

    After doing a ton a research into unscripted feature films, you'd be amazed at how many good films are made with just an outline and doesn't use a formatted screenplay. They were even figuring out dialogue in IRON MAN. Jeff Bridges weaves a crazy tale from the set! Check it out...
  5. BROKEN2005

    Werner Herzog’s FREE Filmmaking MasterClass

    Without doubt Werner Herzog is an renegade, in the truest sense of the word. As a youngster, he taught himself how to make films. When no one would fund his movie-making habit, he started his own production company at age 17. When he needed to get through the Peruvian jungle for filming...
  6. BROKEN2005

    Is Film School Really Worth the Cost?

    Let me start by saying that I’m a big believer in education and constant learning throughout life. I believe that the only way to truly experience the amazing things the world has to offer is by educating yourself as much as humanly possible. With that said, people who go to film schools to...
  7. BROKEN2005

    USC Film School's ONLY Online Course "How to Direct Actors"

    Want to learn "How to Direct Actors for the Screen?" Check out USC Film School's ONLY Master Class Online Course produced by George Lucas and Randal Kleiser! I took this course & IT BLEW MY MIND! It's like you are in the classroom at USC...because you are! If you want to be a director or actor...
  8. BROKEN2005

    How to Get a Theatrical Release for Your Indie Film

    I know it’s most indie filmmaker’s dream to have their film screen theatrically around the world. I know I always love seeing my work on the big screen. Theres a magically thing about the silver screen but alas that dream was out of reach for most indie filmmakers until now. If you haven’t...
  9. BROKEN2005

    How to Crowd fund Your Indie Film Like a Pro with Emily Best

    Listen to the podcast. She has a ton of tips! Good luck!
  10. BROKEN2005

    Oscar® Winner Charlie Kaufman: Screenwriting Master Class

    I’m just going to say it, If you have ever read one of his screenplays or watch a film based on his writing you will see that no one on the planet, other than Charlie Kaufman, can write a Charlie Kaufman screenplay. Charlie Kaufman in one of modern cinema’s most celebrated screenwriters, his...
  11. BROKEN2005

    crowd funding question

    This podcast might answer most of your crowdfunding questions:
  12. BROKEN2005

    How to Crowd fund Your Indie Film Like a Pro with Emily Best

    Crowdfunding has always been a mystery to me. I never really understood how indie filmmakers can raise $50,000, $100,000 or $1,000,000 to make their films. I tried once with the “if I built they will come” idea but they never came. When I discovered this weeks guest, Emily Best CEO and founder...
  13. BROKEN2005

    Wakaliwood: Introducing Uganda’s Quentin Tarantino

    Need Inspiration? Here you go. Imagine you were back in the early 1900’s, when the film industry was a newborn. People were learning and experimenting with the new technology of moving pictures. Craftsmen were excited about discovering new ways of creating art with this powerful and amazing...
  14. BROKEN2005

    Why Indie Filmmakers Should NOT Shoot 4K!

    An issue I see come up again and again is indie filmmakers shooting a format that they can’t handle in production, post production or in delivery. Currently the big buzz word is UHD (Ultra High Definition). Now shooting 4K in todays world is a bit different. It cost much more than you’d expect...
  15. BROKEN2005

    How do I get my film on VOD - iTunes, Netflix, Hulu, Amazon ?

    The world of film distribution is filled with unknown land mines. Even more mysterious is how an indie filmmaker can get their film placed on these elusive VOD or Video on Demand platforms? Video on Demand’s definition has been broaden in recent years. Before it only meant VOD on you cable box...
  16. BROKEN2005

    David Fincher: His Secrets on Directing & Visual Storytelling - 3 Hour Fincher Film S

    David Fincher: His Secrets on Directing & Visual Storytelling - 3 Hour Fincher Film S For my money David Fincher is one of the greatest working directors alive today. Whether you love him or hate him he is one of the greatest craftsman working in the film business. I’ve followed David...
  17. BROKEN2005

    Getting Attention from Influencers – My Roger Ebert Story

    I always get asked by indie filmmakers: “How do I get attention for my indie film?” This is one of the major challenges facing indie filmmakers/entrepreneurs in today’s noisy independent film landscape. One fast way is to get an “influencer” to focus a little light onto you or your project. Now...
  18. BROKEN2005

    Which format do you use ?

    Agreed Sonny! Also check out this article/podcast on post production workflow:
  19. BROKEN2005

    Post Production Workflow – Understand it or DIE!

    I know I'm being a bit dramatic when I say "Understand Post Production Workflow or DIE!" but I've seen and been involved with sooooooo many independent films that just die in post production because of one simple thing, they didn't understand post production workflow. Post Production Workflow...
  20. BROKEN2005

    Want to learn the Dark Arts of Creative Editing?

    I’ve been an editor now for over twenty years. When I was starting out I looked everywhere for some course, book, video, or anything that could teach me the black art of creative editing. There are many courses design that teach you AVID, Adobe Premiere or Final Cut Pro software but nothing on...