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  1. SheffProductions

    Kevin Smith Coursework - Auteur Theory

    Hey everyone, I am currently studying media at uni and we are currently studying Auteur Directors. I have chosen to make a presentation and essay to study Kevin Smith as an Auteur Director (purely within the View Askiewniverse). Please take a few seconds to answer my survey so that I can...
  2. SheffProductions


    Hey Guys, I love werewolf films throughout the decades from 1913 to present day, but I have always wondered one thing, and it's something that I need to know since I wish to use it in my horror film Hound. What do people use instead of monkshood/aconite as the plant wolfsbane? If you are...
  3. SheffProductions


    Hey Guys, I'm looking for someone with a voice that could send chills up my audiences spine. I wrote a short poem for my horror film, and need someone to recite the poem so that I can use it over the trailer and film introduction. If you are interested then please contact me via the email...
  4. SheffProductions

    Short Horror Film

    Hey Guys, I have been working on a short horror film for years. I spent most of my time planning, and trying to organize what I need to make it but I started some filming and created a teaser trailer. I would appreciate it if you check out my Facebook Pages and My YouTube! Hound Teaser...
  5. SheffProductions


    Okay so I know a lot of films make references to other films, and it may sound like a bit of a daft question, but it is something I have thought about and must ask. :rolleyes: Are there any legal issues around referencing? I enjoy making references when i talk to people in everyday life and...