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  1. G


    Does anyone know of any good English MA film schools they can recommend?
  2. G


    my previous topic got rubbed off, but all i was basically asking was whether anyone had any points of view on the director and his female muse. Stanley Kubrick is of interest for me ... for example, all the explicit content in his films. does anyone have an opinion on the role of the director...
  3. G


    I'm not happy with my current position in life at the moment, but Im working hard to achieve high standards and widespread recognition, as i think a better life will follow. does anyone else feel the same? what are your views on fame?
  4. G

    Films help?

    How can one increase ones good-heart and decrease ones temper?
  5. G

    CrISES... Help"!?

    I feel depressed, detached and excluded by everyone. My family are out doing their own thing and they never seem lonely because they have a partner. My so-called mates are out tonight and didn't even ask me to come with them. Instead, I am now at home, by myself, on the internet, when everyone...
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    I do think of myself as a bit of a fighter, but I am afraid that I may lose a fight one day. Any suggestions for preparation?
  7. G

    little imperfections

    I'm irritated with my little annoying physical imperfections. My flat feet for instance, receeding hair line, slightly bent nose, a bad stomach. I wish I didn't have to take the medication for my stomach anymore!
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    creative inspiration!

    I have an interest in films, but I am also an artist, in the fine art sense. I have to fill a room with something for an art exhibition. It can be filled with anything, for people to come and look at? got any ideas? It's really important, i'm stressing about it. In other words, if you had the...
  9. G

    Is my life like a film?

    My father tells me that I am a good hearted person, but it is my temper that ruins me! any suggestions? can filmmaking solve my problem. Has filmmaking been beneficial to any of u guys??