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  1. K

    Buy or Rent?!?!

    Wow, thank you guys for such generous information!! This is reaaaaaaaaaaally helpful. Thank you!!! Normally a line producer would be key in this discussion for us but since my partner and I are in the first phase of negotiating with an investor, we're not going to bring in a line producer until...
  2. K


    Yikes, I knew we were terrible but I didn't realize it was pretty much across the board! What about Gwyneth Paltrow in Sliding Doors? Renee Zellweger in Bridget Jones? Sorry to be so chick-flicky but aren't those performances pretty close? Or are they still noticeable? : \
  3. K


    Dear British People as a Whole, Hahaha, please answer the following survey: Which American actors have done the best job of using a British accent in film? thanks!!! K PS: I'm asking because I'm always hearing how American actors suck at it........ according to the continent of England. I...
  4. K

    Buy or Rent?!?!

    Dear Forum!! My partner and I are looking at producing a $225,000 movie to be principally shot in LA for a 4-week shoot. :) I like the idea of buying a camera instead of renting one because then we can do reshoots without fear of extra costs. I can already guarantee that I'll have 2 to 3 weeks...