Search results

  1. S

    Fleeing the country

    People worth a 100 million have offshore accounts to hide / transfer wealth. The world of offshore IBC's (international business corporations) hasn't seen a lot of exposure in films, but I think it could work very well. Most companies that assist in setting up these offshore companies are...
  2. S

    Next Step Above a DSLR

    Where exactly? Most prices i've seen are far far above that number.
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    New Script - Feedback Wanted

    save it as pdf and put it up on google drive.
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    To showreel or not to showreel

    Best thing to do is make a showreel of between 1 and two minutes: best pieces first, downhill from there. Then whatever you make next will have to be your best piece, and comes in first, and you worst piece gets dropped. Its a loop of continous showreel improvement :)
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    New 8TB drives and failure stats

    How do you get to that number? I used to work at a post house (not as a data manager so I could be wrong), and I never saw any 4k movie exceed 12 TB. Max I ever saw was 55mb per frame, which at 24 fps totals to 9.5 TB for a 2h movie. On topic though: seagate advertises them as archive disks...
  6. S

    Help needed good rewards

    Would watch :)
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    Looking for a partner for feature film

    I think most people here are critical because there have been more people on this forum claiming to have millions in funding and it turned out to be b.s. every time. If you want people to take you more serious, try to be less vague. I'm assuming Reggie Von is the title of the picture? What...
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    Universal hits record profits with no blockbusters in 2014

    I wonder if cinema-going has gone up this year. From what I gather, the consensus that a few blockbusters is the way to go is mostly due to the fact that on average, people go and see less and less movies each year. People tend to go to the biggest movies, so you need a blockbuster to draw...
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    Unconventional screenplay

    My two cents: a 30 minute film without any dialogue at all has to have some absolutely awesome visuals and music to keep me interested. Personally I don't think it should fit on 1.5 page. Maybe it can, but I'd be worried if it did. 30 minutes is a long time. If there's no audio, people don't...
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    Location Scouting

    That is one good looking ball... Where'd you get it? I've been looking for a proper one for a while now.
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    Hi guys

    Wasn't the main use of Bot&Dolly camera's to be able to do the camera moves the previz artists came up with? I believe they did it so that the VFX dept already had the exact camera move, so tracking wouldn't be necessary. Anyway. Personally I dont think any project I ever worked on used robots...
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    animators needed

    Welcome to the forum! As far as I can see, you didn't break any official rules :) However, you did just ask people to do work for free, which is generally frowned upon. You've got some solid idea's, animating Ghandi quotes, and you've got a problem: you don't know enough about animation to do...
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    Looking for 3D artist.

    Be more specific about what you need and what you need it for. How many shots exactly do you need, how far along is the rest of the project? And most importantly, what are "Space shots"? do you need a space environment, or do you just need a spacey sky? It's pretty vague this way... What are...
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    watch My first rogue 40 second movement/fashion film

    I agree. Image wise it is interesting, and the footage quality is good (aside from the blown out sky around 0:25), but it could be a little bit more coherent in the edit. Maybe a bit more of a uniform feel and grade. Right now it cycles rather quickly through day, night, evening shots. Although...
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    Question about hiring a colorist.

    This is not true per-se. Some colorists like to grade the cinema version a bit more laid-back and artistic while having a more punchy, contrasted grade for TV. After all, you need to keep TV watchers more engaged (they might zap away), where as once you've got bums in theatre seats, they ain't...
  16. S

    Something I noticed about Paul Thomas Anderson

    Its the way most other films work too. Maybe it's a bit more visible to you in Anderson's films, but generally the finale is considered where the A and B stories merge to wrap up the story. A lot of times this means a reunuion of sorts.
  17. S

    watch Iron Man 4 Fake Preview

    Yeah sure, Didn't see this until now. but lets give it a try... Right off the bat the first shot at 0:29 doesn't really hold up texture wise. Needs higher resolution to work well.... Shot feels a bit blue-ish, might want to grade it a bit more realistic. Also, a sharp reflection on the helmet...
  18. S

    Your Dream Job & Your Real Job

    Haha this is all so similar. I was in the same situation where I was going to university and then working nights on visual effects for all kinds of cool projects (also some from IndieTalk people, best people around :)). A couple months back I quit my parttime job and put my studies on temporary...
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    Best way to figure out how much you can do would be to previz in a 3D application. You can do a dumbed down version of this by calculating your camera angles and drawing a scaled top-down image. You'll want to keep some margins though, if theres only small parts people getting off your...
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    Question about hiring a colorist.

    First of all you need to know what your distribution will be like. Online distribution, TV distribution or cinema distribution will all require different file formats, codecs, etc. Tell your colorist what he/she will be grading for. Do your own research, know what you want to get before hiring a...