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  1. C

    When lighting a Scene is it best to over light but not blow out or....

    have it close to what you want it...Im shooting with a 7D so its no Red epic and I cant get alot of the information back they might be able to in the editing process...So is it always better to turn down in post or have it pretty close to what you want
  2. C

    watch Wedding For a Friend

    any feed back
  3. C

    watch My first Short Film :)

    The lighting and Color grading was good...was the LED light some kinda of Prestige cloner or something ?? lol...any ways the music was on point also...I seen a couple of these circular films where they keep killing each other over and over again...A good way to start out small with one actor but...
  4. C

    watch Wedding For a Friend

    Used a 7D 28-135 lens and a 58 rokkor