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  1. I Will Capture The Castle

    who's excited about the Prometheus movie?

    My anticipation for this film is almost unbearable. I've watched the trailers about 30 times. Notice how loads of trailers seem to feature a soundalike of the Inception "boooooooooom......booooooooom....." Also, has anyone else noticed the, admittedly slight, similarities of the ship's crew and...
  2. I Will Capture The Castle

    Hello from London

    Hey, btw, Chilipie, I'm from Sheffield originally...
  3. I Will Capture The Castle

    I need a composer!

    Hey man, check here: and see if there's anything on there that floats your boat. I'm a musician and I'm trying to get into film scoring, so I need to build up like a portfolio I guess. Have a listen, there may be something. I'm not familiar with the...
  4. I Will Capture The Castle

    Hello from London

    Wow, you're all so welcoming. Yeah, film scoring is as competitive a game as just being a musician in general, but I made a series of possibly questionable decisions in my late teens, that has lead to the ultimate fact that I've got no other options, victory or death! Y'know...
  5. I Will Capture The Castle

    Music available in London

    Are you a film maker? Perhaps a student, or just getting started? I can only assume you are. If you're making films that require a soundtrack, check out I'm totally new, I've never done it before, but film scoring is something I've been interested...
  6. I Will Capture The Castle

    Hello from London

    Hello, I'm James, I don't exactly know what to say in this post, except that I'm not a robot, or selling diet pills or penis enlargement. I am a musician and composer and I like films. Take away from that what you will, or alternately view my other posts for more information. Thanks for reading...