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  1. P

    Cool Hollywood Reporter Article - MFTM

    I saw this poster a couple of weeks ago in the city and now this indie project is all over the news! Pretty cool! It was in The Hollywood Reporter (but you need a subscription to see it) but I found the full version all over. Here's the Yahoo! one: Yahoo! News It's called Movies for the...
  2. P

    Festival Experience

    I agree. all of the above!
  3. P

    Screenwriting Poll

    Same here in a sense. My best writing gets done when I am so exhausted that I can barely keep my eyes open. Perhaps I am tapping into my unconscious.
  4. P

    Screenwriting Poll

    Mine just come whenever. I'll just get lost in thought and a good one will pop out. A lot of times I am actually thinking about the initial story idea and it will just flow from there.
  5. P

    SHOT LISTS (new article)

    I think that shotlists are the single most important part of being ready on the set as a director....but, as the guy above me said, you better have made that list from being on the location or you're wasting your time
  6. P

    Movies for the Masses

    I saw this poster up in NYC the other day for this website and it is the coolest friggin' thing! Movies for the It's this site where you can donate a $1 and up and vote on which movie you'd like to see get made. I donated $2 (I am a poor-ass mofo) and I wanted to tell everyone...