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  1. C

    Depth to a Short Film

    How do you guys add depth or deep characterization in a short film? I'm curious coz, its kinda hard to achieve some depth when you have so little time to build the story or the characters given the limited amount of time. I'm thinking like 10-20 mins?
  2. C

    Conversation scenes.

    Hey guys I'm curious on how you guys shoot conversation scenes? Do you guys shoot the scene repeatedly with different angles (180 degree rule)? How do you maintain the consistency of the conversation?
  3. C

    Getting kids to act.

    How would you or how do you direct children when acting? How do you make them act? How does it work when the story is a bit too much for their age? Do you guys tell the whole story, no matter how deep and complicated it is for them? Or do you just tell them what to do without them asking questions?
  4. C

    Noir Lighting

    Hey guys, I have a music video shoot tomorrow and I'm part of the lighting crew. We're gonna go for noir-inspired lighting. Can you guys summarize what noir lighting is through a couple of words or something? Any suggestions?
  5. C

    Why call it "film" when you're using digital?

    During our thesis proposal, we all wrote in our papers that we would be doing a "short film". My professor said that we should change it to "short narrative video" instead since none of us would really use film to shoot. He does have a point, I mean why call it "full length film" or "short film"...
  6. C

    Benigno Baltazar

    Hey guys! This is the thesis film I'm working on, entitled Benigno Baltazar. Its basically about this dude, whom after his bestfriend dies, succumbs to depression and regret. One mysterious day, he encounters a television which shows all his memories of him and his bestfriend. Here's the...
  7. C

    When to charge for your film.

    Hey guys, I'm working on my film thesis right now. One of the objectives of this project is to get the word out the film. Marketing, advertising and stuff. Once its released, I plan to give a couple of freebies (shirts, soundtrack, DVD's) to those who watch it. Screening is free, supposedly. I...
  8. C

    How exactly do you light a scene if you're gonna go handheld.

    How do you light a scene if you're gonna go handheld? Especially when the scene calls a lot of camera movement. How do you maintain the lighting?
  9. C

    Relationship to your own crew.

    Hey guys! I was just wondering on how close are you with your crew members? Are you the real friendly type of director, or are you the stern "ridley scott"-esque one?