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  1. S

    Just a Quick B & H Vent

    I've been planning on purchasing the Panasonic AG-AC130 for awhile now (too long) and happened to notice in mid March B & H running a $300 instant savings special. I assume this was related to the Panasonic rebate of the same amount going on through the summer. This brought the price down to...
  2. S

    Wireless shotgun mic?

    Hi all, As I retire my consumer camcorder to upgrade to better equipment, I have a lot to lean about different gear and what it can do. I was reading up on a shotgun mic that said "Use an XLRF "plug-in" transmitter to make a wireless shotgun microphone!". Can someone explain (or confirm what...
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    Two Cameras

    I've been toying around with a consumer video camera for awhile to try and teach myself some general stuff like different types of shots, basic editing, etc. all while I've been outlining a documentary I'd like to shoot. I'm planning on making a purchase this fall on a more feature rich video...
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    Camera for Feature Film

    I've been using the local cable stations "prosumer" camera to mess around and shoot some public access tv, but I'm interested in shooting a low budget feature and I'm wondering if shooting in HD is a necessity. The camera I use does not have the ability to shoot in HD. I plan to film this...
  5. S


    Hello All- I was wondering about the legal use of movie trailers. When trailers get released, can websites and TV shows air them without permission? Trailers are like commercials for the movies, so I'm assuming the copyright owners would encourage responsible distribution, but I'm just not sure...