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  1. NWYF

    NOBODY WANTS YOUR FILM - DVD now on sale

    sorry wasn't sure where to put it...
  2. NWYF

    NOBODY WANTS YOUR FILM - DVD now on sale

    The dvd of NOBODY WANTS YOUR FILM is on sale now at: If you'd like to read the LA Times review it can be found at: With over 200,000 visitors to the NWYF website during the past year, and...
  3. NWYF

    NOBODY WANTS YOUR FILM - LA run extended

    UPDATE: LA run extended: Thanks to all of your support the Los Angeles run of NOBODY WANTS YOUR FILM has been extended. ps: As you may know tickets are available online thru the NWYF website at: and the LA...
  4. NWYF

    NOBODY WANTS YOUR FILM - LA Times review

    that would be awsome if you could remember where it was... thanks... try to come by if you haven't already and bring some friends...
  5. NWYF

    NOBODY WANTS YOUR FILM - LA Times review

    here's a link to the LA Times review:,1,3810542.story?coll=cl-mreview&ctrack=2&cset=true and if that doesn't work i've cut and pasted it below as well... May 6, 2005 By Kevin Crust, LA Times Staff Writer Frustration: It's just...
  6. NWYF

    Nobody Wants Your Film

    happy accidents... again... Tickets to the Los Angeles run of NOBODY WANTS YOUR FILM starting on Friday, May 6th at Laemmle Sunset 5 (8000 Sunset Blvd. - 323-848-3500) are now available online thru the NWYF website at:
  7. NWYF

    Nobody Wants Your Film

    UPDATE: LA tickets online: UPDATE: LA tickets online: Things are steadily moving ahead. We are running ads in the LA Weekly, trailers are playing at the Sunset 5, posters are in all ten Laemmle theatres, and the TV ads continue to run Thursdays at 10pm-11pm during Project Greenlight in NYC...
  8. NWYF

    Nobody Wants Your Film

    find me one to show the film.... please please.... thanks....
  9. NWYF

    Nobody Wants Your Film

    thanks guys... see if you can find me a theatre in Australia...
  10. NWYF

    Nobody Wants Your Film

    this was originallly posted in 11/05 but now i've added some updates... I just finished an independent film called NOBODY WANTS YOUR FILM about the struggle to make and then get the work to an audience. I've set up a website for the film to try and link up to an audience through the web so I...
  11. NWYF

    Nobody Wants Your Film

    hopefully... one way or another i'll get it out... if you liked the site spread the word...
  12. NWYF

    Nobody Wants Your Film

    thanks for the info... though at the bottom of the list of cities there is a choice for "other" where a window pops up and you can type in the info... what's CGI?
  13. NWYF

    Nobody Wants Your Film

    yeah i realise that but as the pages on the site explain this is the only way i can prove to a distributor that there is an audience out there for this thing... i don't spam people on the list and i won't give the info to anyone else... in the end if a distributor won't jump on board then i'll...
  14. NWYF

    Nobody Wants Your Film

    I just finished a independent film called NOBODY WANTS YOUR FILM about the struggle to make and then get the work to an audience. I've set up a website for the film to try and link up to an audience through the web so I can eventually convince a distributor to finance a theatrical release of...