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  1. jeremiahjw

    watch Chicken Powered Steadicam

    So, I got this idea after seeing a video where a guy showed how chickens have what essentially is a built in head stabilization. My camera finally came in a few days ago, and here are the final results.
  2. jeremiahjw

    watch Shoot Smash Boom Episode 1 - Texas Stadium Implosion in Slow Motion

    Shot some overcranked footage of the Texas stadium demolition for a new web series I'm doing. Shoot Smash Boom is a web series where various items are destroyed...and filmed with high speed cameras. This first episode...
  3. jeremiahjw

    watch Destroying a Computer Server in Slow Motion - Red 4K, Sony EX1, Casio EX-F1 This is a promo video for a company based near Dallas, TX. They do disaster data recovery and backup. I used the Casio EX-F1 for the 600fps footage, a DoP had his RED 4K shooting at 120fps, and I had a consumer Canon camera for the close up shots...
  4. jeremiahjw

    watch Computer DESTRUCTION with Gun and Explosives [Web Teaser]

    This was an AWESOME project to work on. This is a teaser for a video that will be released this Friday. It involves guns, computers, and explosions. I'm sure you all know what awesomeness that implies. :-P The video was...
  5. jeremiahjw

    Casio EX-F1 High Speed Camera test (300fps)

    UPDATED! Casio EX-F1 High Speed Footage Tests 300-600fps EDIT: I've uploaded another video, this time shot at 600fps and featuring my shotgun. Link to new video in case imbed does not work...