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  1. E

    My Portfolio

    Here's a link to my online portfolio. It's a work in progress, but features a few films I've worked on. Feedback is always welcome. Thanks E Acklin Portfolio
  2. E

    Changing the World One Story At A Time

    Not only do we as students at the Art Institute of Atlanta change the world one story at a time, but this is the theme for one of Atlanta's premier film festivals. Not just another ethnic film festival, The Urban Mediamakers Film Festival (UMFF) is set apart by their work to promote and support...
  3. E

    Greetings from Atlanta, GA, USA

    Hello Everyone, I'm an Independent Filmmaker, currently attending the Art Institute of Atlanta. I love to make films that make you think, provoke your senses and keep you engaged until the end. I also have a small production company that's working on a few scripts now. Always looking for...