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  1. Z

    No idea what camera to use. Any suggestions would help...

    I actually found a Panasonic AG-DVX100B for $2050 which is a decent price considering that camera directly from Panasonic is $2,995. Would that one be good? That Canon looks nice but seems really...
  2. Z

    No idea what camera to use. Any suggestions would help...

    Okay, so if I get a HD camcorder and it records onto DV cassettes then how do I get that onto my computer to edit it without losing any of the quality of the video or audio. Also, which one of these would be the best for my first camcorder for the movie? Sony HDR-FX7 ($1,999)...
  3. Z

    No idea what camera to use. Any suggestions would help...

    So i'm currently still writing the script on my movie and i'm drawing the story boards. I know what I want to shoot and the only thing I can think of that I would need on the camera I need is a hard drive (so I can go in and edit right away on the computer without having to use video) and the...