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  1. phobos78

    Enigma Online! (Independent Scifi Film)

    Thank you! Hi Scoopicman!!! Thanks for the nice words on the film! We appreciate you taking the time to watch it! If you'd like to show it at IndieMeet, please let us know and we'll send you a dvd. Thanks again!!! -Matt
  2. phobos78

    Enigma Online! (Independent Scifi Film)

    Hello all, I wanted to share our independent film called "Enigma." Enigma is a low budget scifi effects film that we've been touring the festivals with (successfully!). Hope you enjoy it and let us know what you think! Just follow the link below... Thanks The Shumway Brothers...
  3. phobos78

    watch Enigma: Behind the Scenes!

    MavenFilmStudio: Thanks for the really nice words. Here's the rundown as far as schedule went...its a little lopsided! haha... Pre-production: 6 months Set prep: 3 days Principle Photography: 6 days Set Strike: 1 day 6months later: Pickups: 3 days Another 6 months: Pickups: 2 days...
  4. phobos78

    watch Enigma: Behind the Scenes!

    Thanks everyone! Thom- Thanks! If we can inspire anyone, that would make our day! Mason- Thanks for really nice words. I hope this film takes us somewhere, but if it doesn't, its already brought me an awesome experience for my life. TheBuck- We'd be happy to show you the film for a...
  5. phobos78

    watch Enigma: Behind the Scenes!

    Thanks M1chae1! You have been so complimentary of our work, and we really appreciate it! Its exciting for us to see people enjoy what we have slaved over the last several years. Thanks again so much for the nice words! Brooksy: Thanks for the "holy awesome!" my phrase of the day! The...
  6. phobos78

    watch Enigma: Behind the Scenes!

    Hey Everyone! We just posted our official behind the scenes for Enigma! Enigma: The Truth Lies Within Take a look at our awesome cast and crew! Share it with your friends! -The Shumway Brothers
  7. phobos78

    watch Enigma: Our new Sci-fi Film!

    Action On Film Screening Time! Hey Everyone! We just received our screening time for our next festival! Here's the info.... Action On Film International Film Festival Enigma Screening: When: 4pm, Saturday July 25th Where: Laemmle Theater in Pasadena, CA If you are in the area, hope you...
  8. phobos78

    watch Enigma: Our new Sci-fi Film!

    Motorstorm: Thanks for the nice words! We love battlestar, so that means alot!
  9. phobos78

    watch Enigma: Our new Sci-fi Film!

    M1chae1: Thanks!! We are hoping to have a chat with some one at Syfy soon, we'd love to show them the film. Merola: Thanks for the nice words. As for the trailer, we didn't want to overdue the trailer, just didn't match the film. We see so many indie films make trailers like they are a 200...
  10. phobos78

    watch Enigma: Our new Sci-fi Film!

    5 AOF AWARD NOMINATIONS!! Late Breaking News! :D Enigma has been nominated for 5 AOF AWARD NOMINATIONS! (Action On Film International Film Festival) "Best Visual Effects: Short" "Best Special Effects: Short" "Best Costumes: Short" "Best Sound Design: Short" "Best Science Fiction"...
  11. phobos78

    watch Enigma: Our new Sci-fi Film!

    M1chae1: We'll consider using that quote for the poster! haha! ;) Mr. Weirdamour: What a small world! I took a look at Wayne and really liked it, nice job! Well acted and nicely shot. What are your plans with the film? Is there any issue doing a copyrighted character like that? I like the...
  12. phobos78

    watch Enigma: Our new Sci-fi Film!

    ENIGMA CLIPS!! Hey everyone! We just posted 4 clips from the film on YouTube. They will be available on Facebook and for download off of the website later tonight. I highly suggest you hit the "HD" button under the clip, the low res tends to drop the HD looks much nicer! (o...
  13. phobos78

    watch Enigma: Our new Sci-fi Film!

    Hi benj09! We are actually trying to get a feature going. We have a few scripts we are working on, but we are always up with working with other writers. Just drop us a note at The budget for Enigma was just under 50k. Hi Godchoo! Thanks for the nice words on the...
  14. phobos78

    watch Enigma: Our new Sci-fi Film!

    Official Selection! Thanks MavenFilmStudio! Very nice to say! For those of you in the Los Angeles area, we have just been Officially Selected to screen at the "Action On Film International Film Festival" at the end of July in Pasadena. I will post screening times when I get them. :D
  15. phobos78

    watch Enigma: Our new Sci-fi Film!

    Hey all here's an article that was just posted that goes a bit more in depth at the making of the film. The Scratch Post M1chae1- Thanks again for the nice words. I'm taking a break from freelancing at the moment...Just enjoying Enigma being done. But maybe in the future. They can always...
  16. phobos78

    watch Enigma: Our new Sci-fi Film!

    Thanks all!! Scoopicman- We've talked about matching up with another film and trying to sell it...we've actually had some interest for that from some foreign distributors. The trick is just trying to find another film that complements ours and matches quality. As for the Fests, so far its been...
  17. phobos78

    watch Enigma: Our new Sci-fi Film!

    Thanks agcamerasound! Scoopicman: Thanks, and yes very odd length. Well, a couple reasons really...It started out as a 22 min short, and after shooting it realized it was a little longer story. However, not really ever meant to be a feature, the story structure wouldn't be conducive to a...
  18. phobos78

    watch Enigma: Our new Sci-fi Film!

    Hey everyone! I'm new to the board and just wanted to introduce ourselves and our film "Enigma" Check out the trailer (Youtube) and the website ( Its been a project of ours for almost 5 years! Had to work it around our full time jobs! We just started playing...