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  1. MavenFilmStudio

    watch Game of Kings - My first short film :)

    Game of Kings is my first short film..... before this I had never tried to plan and produce any video work before and I've got to admit, it was pretty fun. This short film was my Final Major Project for college and I had to learn the skills to write and shoot a film within 9 weeks. Since then...
  2. MavenFilmStudio

    watch Portfolio Trailer - My first ever trailer.

    This is the 'fake trailer' that ignited our passion for film making. This trailer is about a man who is followed by guilt, using metaphors to show emotional unbalance. Please leave feedback :yes: Thanks people!
  3. MavenFilmStudio

    watch Game of Kings

    This film is based on visual and audible metaphors of life and death, following the rules of chess through representation of soldiers on a battlefield. Game of Kings recently won the short film contest in the thriller genre. Hope you indie film nuts enjoy it & please leave feedback...
  4. MavenFilmStudio


    Hey Indie Film nuts! I am brand new to this forum.......and looking to make contacts from across the globe, share ideas, methods and share creations! Be talking to you all soon! :D