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  1. M

    Most Disturbing Film You've Ever Seen

    I know the topic is a little open ended, but I'm just trying to put some feelers out to see what different people think is the most "disturbing" film they've ever seen. That could mean emotionally disturbing, it could mean scary, or a film that struck you deeply because it hit home. What is the...
  2. M

    Buy/Sell/Store Your Videos Online FOR FREE

    Hey Fellow Filmmakers! I represent Movie Locker, a brand new online service which allows you to upload your videos online. The unqiue feature that movie locker offers is that you can sell your videos, buy stock footage, or simply set up your videos for free viewing and ask for donations. All...
  3. M

    HD Online, Do You Use It?

    Hey Guys! I'm new to the forums but a long time indie filmmaker. Currently I see a trend moving towards HD even in independent productions. Also it seems like tangible media, while it still has a place, is rapidly being cast aside for media consumption online. It's no joke that sites like...