Search results

  1. T

    canon hv30 for $349

    I would like to congratulate you on deciding to buy a HV30 you've made the right choice. I own one and so does 3 of my friends. its such a great camera, I brought mine to school to show my teacher and now his getting 3 for the Media department. its great PS dont forget about the HV20/HV30 forum...
  2. T

    I want to do this effect!

    i know what you mean. its easy go into photoshop and design a title that says Rec and interlace the video. that should work
  3. T

    Need Special Effects Editor!

    hmmm When do you need the shot done by and how long would i have to work on it if i were to do it also would you be willing to capture HDRI light probes on the day of the shoot
  4. T

    Video assist can anyone define?

    Yeah video Assist is awesome. I recently got a job on a film and my role was to plug the cable into the Video Tap and into the VCR to the directors and actors could watch a playback after the take