Search results

  1. Isomer

    watch My Animation Reels

    These are my two latest animation reels. Why 2 reels you ask? Because I cater to two completely different types of clients, one for horror film special effects and the other are clients in the TV/internet advertising world and they want to see very different things. This reel is my stop motion...
  2. Isomer

    Affordable Special Animation Effects Ad

    Here's a link to my video web-ad for affordable animated creature effects for independent film.
  3. Isomer

    Sinbad The Fifth Voyage Opens Friday

    The low budget Indie Film 'Sinbad The Fifth Voyage' (for which I did the primary stop motion creature effects) has been picked up for a nationwide limited theatrical release and opens this Friday February 7th 2014. Here's the TV ad which was recently released for the film...
  4. Isomer

    My Stop Motion Animation Demo Reel

    My stop motion animation reel demonstrates a range of styles, cartoonish stuff for TV commercials, impressionistic realism and the new breed of 21st Century realistic creature 'Dynamation'® style stop motion. (note to indie producer/directors: realistic stop motion is back baby! ...and the...
  5. Isomer

    3D Stereo?

    I did a quick search of this forum and I didn't find any threads discussing the topic of 3D Stereo film in Indie production... is this for real or did I not search well enough? We are on the doorstep of a 3D future in film making and viewing, is the Indie film world behind the curve?
  6. Isomer

    Fake Previews/Trailers

    So I have a film in mind that I'm thinking of pursuing funding for and I'm wondering if anyone knows how much help it would be to shoot a 'fake preview'. I've seen a lot of fake previews and many of them tend to be spoofs not really intended to promote the making of a film but, some are made for...
  7. Isomer

    Horror, Fantasy & Sci-Fi

    Why does it seem to me that whenever I search for indie films, I find endless lists of dramas that are depressing and little more. I'm an older type in this business (I'm 44) and when I was younger, there were horror, sci-fi and fantasy films being made all over the place. Zombies and creatures...
  8. Isomer

    watch Trailer for 'In the Fall of Gravity'

    Hey movie people- So I made this 11 minute stop motion animated short called 'In the Fall of Gravity' and just took it to it's first festival screening. I have a question that I suppose I should ask in another area of this message board but, I'll slap it here also... I plan to take this film to...
  9. Isomer

    Festival Prep, how much stuff do I bring?

    Hi all, I'm totally new to this site and a bit (just a bit mind you) PANICED about getting ready to show my film in a festival this coming september. I've researched quite a bit about what I should do and bring but, I have found info on what to expect elusive. I have an 11 minute short film...