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  1. margo macabee

    Creative Genius - a different look

    OKay THAT was fabulous! I will share two things right now. What I wrote on the back cover of my book and a VERY short script for a little contest on another film forum. Book: "I never concider that I created this or anything else. It is an honor to be the vessel through which it came to be."...
  2. margo macabee

    Creative Genius - a different look

    Oh I haven't even watched the video yet and I know I'll like it. TED rocks! Put this in your faves, ya`ll!:yes: :D Margo
  3. margo macabee

    Where could this idea go?

    Knowing 'who' the characters are should guide where the social network might be. If you have ideas of who these people are write a little back story and see what their issues are. That will at least omit what social networks won't work for your story. A random blog, a bulliten posted. A troll...
  4. margo macabee

    Creed of Thieves

    Other then a few spelling mistakes, I thought it read quickly and interesting too. And I don't even care much for period pieces. I might have a crush on Henry. The action scene I don't think could really be improved upon. Is a bandanna around in 18cent.? And would he say 'smart ass'? There...
  5. margo macabee

    help with plot for a hero parody

    Sorry this makes me giggle outloud. I think it could be done right. Is 'cute' bad? Just reading what you wrote I think the Doc's are still really bad guys who aren't really 'helping' them. They still plot to take over the world and keep the superheros in therapy. Every time the super heros...
  6. margo macabee

    getting into writing mood

    Hey midwestedit, I write best first thing in the morning, before my boyfriend and roommates get up. Before the dogs need fed. Before I make BF's lunch and breakfast. Quiet. Oh and Coffee. I use to listen to music, without lyrics, every time I write. Now it varies. If I'm creating something...
  7. margo macabee

    sluglines for telephone call

    Great flow! Oh, filmy! That reads SOOOO much better. Much clearer and makes more sense. It doesn't eat up as much space as I thought either. Thanx much. Oh and I used the example INTER-CUT BETWEEN PHILLIP AND CANDY. It seems to be a bit more dominant and noticeable on the page. I was worried...
  8. margo macabee

    A couple of general screenwriting questions!

    I gotcha. It's my logline that scares me! Maybe try NOT summarizing your outline at first. Guess that would be more of a back story though, huh? Either way. Write it how you can write it. Emphasis on each word. :yes: Don't let the books completely rule you. Syd Field says write 40 pages. I am...
  9. margo macabee

    A couple of general screenwriting questions!

    Hi Lalyil, I'm Margo, working on my second screenplay, yeah! I did the first one from my novel, page for arghing page, I'm doing this second one from an outline and index cards. #1- Sure I was learning with the first screenplay. But with my outlined script I was...
  10. margo macabee

    sluglines for telephone call

    I am totally doing it your way. :yes: I think (as Will V. pointed out to me) I have read a few shooting scripts and not the original screenplays. SO I'm figuring out my formatting is slightly off base. It's close, damn close. But I want to do it the 'preferred' way. I want my 2 screenplays to...
  11. margo macabee

    sluglines for telephone call

    Oh crap do I have to rewrite my calls? How incorrect is this example then? INTER-CUT PAUL'S LIVING ROOM/STU'S BEDROOM -DAY -PAUL'S action line here, dials phone- -STU'S action line here, picks up phone- PAUL (into phone) Are you up? STU (into phone) Hell, no! PAUL Too bad for your...
  12. margo macabee

    Slow start horror, will it work?

    Good thread! Thanks for starting this one 'thefilmgeek' I'm having this exact same issue. No matter what I do I can't get what I think is plot point one/Act2 earlier than page 28 (of 100). And Honestly, I think it has to stay there. Maybe yours does, too? Fighting this for a couple weeks now...
  13. margo macabee

    Ever have that "aha" moment?

    Whew! scary! I've had more than my share of panic attacks. I'm hoping I can recognize them starting now. Been a while though...knock on wood. Or in my case breath in for 4, hold for 4, exhale for 4, hold for 4. Helped alot, lot, lot. Surprisingly... :D Margo
  14. margo macabee

    Ever have that "aha" moment?

    Fun! I LOVE those moments. Heart races, you wake early, too early, run to the laptop and brilliance flows. Can we bottle that? We'd make buh-millions!! (had mine recently with a script coming together whether I liked it or not. Suuuuper Geeeenius...) (Wylie Coyote? Anyone?) :D Margo
  15. margo macabee

    Celtx Auto Complete

    Hi, U.C. I think I know what you are trying to fix :huh: full of maybes from here on: I don't think it has anything to do with if a Characters name appeared just above in an action line. But I've had a couple odd jumbles happen, so I don't know what all CELTX is capable of.... Click the...
  16. margo macabee

    Pitching a script.

    That's exactly the stuff, Vp! Thanks! *copys and pastes into 'filmy' file* The examples will help me alot. I'll try to nerve-up to post one soon using said examples. BF and roomie went skiing. Nice... quiet.... house... to write in ALL WEEK!! :D Margo
  17. margo macabee

    Adapting your screenplay into a graphic novel

    Hmmm... That's a fun thing to think about for the screenplay I'm working on now. It's a Swampthing meets Low cost High price meets ...ummm... Romeo/Juliet-ish. But it's still taking shape...I'm a WAYS away from finished. Anyway, got your site in my faves, should the day come. :D Margo
  18. margo macabee

    Feedback on Roman Short script

    Read 1st five pages of D.o.R. Hi Donogh, Want to let you know I read a little of your screenplay. I'm a beginner myself, so mostly I'm commenting to check what I think I know. And to be corrected if I'm mistaken. And avoiding a project I need to finish tonight. :P I was pulled into your story...
  19. margo macabee

    Pitching a script.

    Good thread. Good advices. I would think(?) that pitching a script, for a writer, would be a difficult thing to do. It seems like it would take a different type of mind, for the most part. I hope for a lot of practice doing it, though! I'm a couple months away from needing two loglines. But even...
  20. margo macabee

    Rewrote my registered screenplay...

    Hi, Zepplin! I will post it in a little while. My critique crew said it is much better but still needed some work. I was SUPPOSED to do that this week while dog/house sitting, BUT left my laptop's power cord behind. Argh. I am getting a new battery for Christmas... :D Margo