Search results

  1. thevision

    timing of a christmas movie NOW

    Not sure where to this post (the mods can happily move it to appropriate spot) But screenwriting seemed the most appropriate spot since a movie starts with it. XMAS MOVIES lol I think its an interesting thing "timing of a xmas movie" I'm talking in the perspective that you do not have the...
  2. thevision

    Directors Wanted to join team

    Hi, I'm Mark Miller I am looking for directors, screenwriters, artists ect to join the studios team. All in one push for production So me "my job" is to get the funding. on the backing of my website. and as a production company my plan is to do something...
  3. thevision

    watch (music video) Mystical Queen

    Hey this is one of my music clips - Mystical Queen, I made the song myself and also directed and done the graphics , with some 3d aswell ect. The Dancer I hired Zoe is a great dancer and really got into the song. Tell me what you think. Cheers
  4. thevision

    Example of how i write (comments)

    Hey how are you all doing? New member here. So I'll post just a quick example of how i write, I write with passion, but - my grammer editing isn't the best. I would like to find a screenwriter to join with me in my new company, to promote both my scripts and those that join...
  5. thevision

    Hi, Aussie (music clip) is the background

    Hi, how are you doing? Well, my background is over 10 years in graphic design. My background is mainly music clips; but I have made a few tv commercials here in Australia - (I live in Australia). My music clips have featured here - in Australia, on some of the top music shows, such as rage...