Recent content by WhiskyFilms

  1. WhiskyFilms

    WhiskyFilms - Stapler Ops

    Hey everyone, here's short action film I made for my Year 11 Media class. Hope you enjoy, please give me some feedback!
  2. WhiskyFilms

    watch WhiskyFilms - Nerf Warfare

    This is an old short film I created. The primary weapons used were Nerf guns. Please give it a look and give me your opinion! :)
  3. WhiskyFilms

    watch Terminator fan movie.

    That was actually really cool! The flight path of the air craft could be a little smoother, other than that I loved it.
  4. WhiskyFilms

    Action Sound Effects

    These have been created by a friend of mine who codes and creates games for his University course. He hasn't placed a licence on them, so there's no need to worry about copyright.
  5. WhiskyFilms

    watch WhiskyFilms - Stapler Ops

    This short action film is a production I made for my Year 11 Media class. Please check it out, and give us some feedback! This short action film features mild violence and themes.
  6. WhiskyFilms

    Action Sound Effects

    Hey guys, just wanted to let you know that I have a a pretty extensive sound collection. The sound effects mainly relate to the action films genre (gun shots, explosions etc.) Please leave a comment if you would like me to send them to you!
  7. WhiskyFilms

    Hey From Melbourne, Australia!

    Just a post to say hi! We're a small VFX crew that are keen on making awesome short action films!