Recent content by Which Lo Pan?

  1. Which Lo Pan?

    Initializing names (noob)

    heh, thanks. you're avatar... do you believe that video? there's one in particular i'm quite fond of, but strangely enough... youtube took it off their site.
  2. Which Lo Pan?

    Initializing names (noob)

    Haha.. wow. I have a lot to learn, don't I?
  3. Which Lo Pan?


    General education. All the typical classes like math and history that you have to take, but generally has nothing to do with the degree you're majoring in.
  4. Which Lo Pan?

    Initializing names (noob)

    Thanks alot. That's the way I've been writing it. FM, CL, etc. I'm almost finished with it, and I was planning on filming it myself, but for the sake of not confusing the actors when they read it, I think I'm gonna go back and write it all out. Anyways, the script isn't formatted correctly at...
  5. Which Lo Pan?


    Awesome. If we cross paths, we'll have to network for sure
  6. Which Lo Pan?

    Initializing names (noob)

    Havent heard of it. I'm still new to all of this. I'll definitely check it out though. Thanks.
  7. Which Lo Pan?

    Initializing names (noob)

    The thing is, my characters don't have real names. They are anonymous assassins and are only known as French Maid, Canadian Logger, Japanese Fisherman, Chinese Laundromat Owner, etc.
  8. Which Lo Pan?


    Haha, I can't tell if that's sarcasm, but either way... it's pretty funny.
  9. Which Lo Pan?


    Nice. That place seems like Mecca to me.
  10. Which Lo Pan?

    Creative commons website?

    Yeahhh I had a feeling I was using the wrong term. Thanks, Indudeana Brones.
  11. Which Lo Pan?

    Initializing names (noob)

    In a script, Is it ok to use the Initials of a character's name instead of constantly writing the whole name out? If it's acceptable, should I include a character key?
  12. Which Lo Pan?


    Has anybody been to Tromadance or got your film screened at Tromadance? How was your experience? Do they give out awards?
  13. Which Lo Pan?

    Creative commons website?

    Cool, thanks!
  14. Which Lo Pan?

    Creative commons website?

    I know I could just Google it myself, but I was wondering if anybody knows of an online database with info on songs that aren't copyrighted. Worldwide. --thanks
  15. Which Lo Pan?


    Thanks! All in due time, mein freund.