Recent content by VictorSW1974

  1. V

    Brain Storming Ways To Make Shorts Profitable

    It's more than two years later. Has Modern Day Myth Prod. LLC gotten any of his proposed stories published and kickstarted his franchise? I never addressed his "agents are not necessary" remark, so I will now. They AREN'T necessary for submitting to low-circulation sci-fi magazines who (A)...
  2. V

    Mike Wilde's Opinion Of Indie Films--Amaateur

    And if you want to hear "harsh", you should sit in with some genuine working film professionals---not "indie filmmakers", not "aspiring screenwriters", or any other amateur lacking work experience or credits outside of their own short films---but people who have worked in film/television for...
  3. V

    Mike Wilde's Opinion Of Indie Films--Amaateur

    Maybe the tone is harsh, but he's pretty much spot-on in two ways: 1. There ARE a lot of self-proclaimed "indie filmmakers" with no talent or work ethic, and we see them on sites like this one. Remember that guy who kept claiming he had ideas worth $10 million, and had a business profile saying...
  4. V

    queston about distribution

    One of the interesting (and cautionary) aspects of the digital filmmaking "revolution" has been a glut of unsaleable features. A friend of mine who assists in acquisitions for a mid-sized distributor says that they are swamped by makers of 50k-and-under features practically begging to give these...
  5. V

    How private do you have to keep your script for a feature length movie?

    Given that you're a unknown filmmaker, why do you think you have to keep your script secret? Is having it posted online suddenly going to shut your film down? And if you tell actors they can't even read their dialogue until they get on set, you're not going to have actors to work with. Not...
  6. V

    Is AFM worth it?

    My agent took me and a few of his other clients on a "educational" tour of AFM last year. Many of the points raised above, I saw with my own eyes: 1. There are no "hot" properties at AFM. It's buyers looking for packages of films for their cable networks/DVD companies/streaming services, or for...
  7. V

    Social Media craze

    You also need to stand out from the 67 million other filmmakers hustling via social media. And there is a backlash brewing against excessive postings and absurd hype in some FB movie groups. Indie filmmakers who come in without making friends first or at least introducing themselves will get...
  8. V

    Who is Syd Field?

    Hilarious how a failed screenwriter can become wealthy teaching untalented people to succeed in a area he has had almost no success in. This kind of hustle is strictly for starry-eyed amateurs. Can anyone name one screenwriter of note who has taken these classes? Most industry people I know...
  9. V

    Brain Storming Ways To Make Shorts Profitable

    But what happened with your idea that if Roger Corman could sell something to Syfy, then you easily could too? It's not like him being a icon who has produced hundreds of movies over 50+ years and given many current A-listers their start in film gives him THAT much advantage over someone like...
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    Brain Storming Ways To Make Shorts Profitable

    I've published short stories. Have you? I have sold scripts and been hired to rewrite other's scripts. Have you? I have an agent. You? I actually know people at that network you keep posting about. I have done work for them. Have you? Do you do anything besides post second-hand info from...
  11. V

    Would such a thing be possible?

    As a semi-professional who has made sales and been hired for rewrites, I get where Alex is coming from. If your script is of high enough quality to be considered saleable, dont offer to give it away. Even if it gets produced on a low budget, and they can only pay you $500, thats still payment...
  12. V

    Being prevented from using a pen name!

    I have heard similar stories from other producers. I did a rewrite and dialogue polish on a TV production, and the original writer felt the script had changed so much that he wanted to use a penname he had used before. However, since his original contract didnt have any stipulation for doing so...
  13. V

    watch Why is everybody making Horror films?

    Horror is also easily sold in most markets. Good, professionally made horror always sells in North America, Europe, and Asia, and is also popular in South America. If you are going to make a movie and want maximum return, you make what people are buying. The late 80s boom of cheapo horror flicks...
  14. V

    Brain Storming Ways To Make Shorts Profitable

    I am very familar with the short story market, and the idea of an unknown writer producing a short story that sells that sells to a popular magazine is laughable. No previous publications, no agent. No literary agent, no way major editors will even look at it. Especially science fiction, of...
  15. V

    Brain Storming Ways To Make Shorts Profitable

    The chances of an unknown science fiction writer getting a story published through "international channels" is next to impossible. Fiction readers are just like film watchers---they want to read known writers, so any platform for short fiction will stick with that. New unknown writers only get...