Recent content by themonsterlives

  1. T

    Choosing non vs. profit status?

    Spinner, Feel free to contact me directly. I'd be happy to discuss my earlier project with you. To all, Here's my current understand: If I go the non-profit/fiscal sponsor route, it's a relatively painless way of ramping up and seeking donations -- foundations, individuals, etc. But, what if...
  2. T

    Choosing non vs. profit status?

    CoolDog, Why are you choosing to form the NPO yourself? Why aren't you going under a fidiuciary sponsor? Wouldn't that be MUCH easier and cheaper? Seth
  3. T

    Choosing non vs. profit status?

    I'm a relatively new filmmaker (recently sold my first doc, self produced, to a major cable network) trying to get a film financed about an amazing group of elder musicians (the great soul organists, ie Jimmy Smith, Jimmy McGriff). I'm trying to figure out which way to go commercial vs...