Recent content by Rwthomas

  1. R

    movies What's the last film you watched? And rate it!

    Haha, The Muppets (with my son). I give it a 7.5 for a great effort, but it pretty much recycled the same plot from Muppets Take Manhattan which was far more superior.
  2. R

    Feature film with no lighting?

    I'm sure someone's mentioned Dogma95 films, already.
  3. R

    Low budget movie, recovered cost first day

    Thanks for the link.
  4. R


    Thanks everyone. I noticed my page received some likes from folks not in my circle. I've been lurking for a bit and like this site.
  5. R

    Any Facebook members here? Let's connect.

    I'm here, on facebook and will check your page out. I posted my 2nd post here about the page for the project I'm working on. It's called Nowhere.
  6. R


    Ah...self promotion. I see there's that option here, so I'll take advantage it when I normally feel weird doing so. Below is the facebook page for the 2nd film I'm directing, called "Nowhere." We are shooting in June and hope to gain an audience before we get to the viewing stage. We have some...
  7. R

    First Post

    Hi Everyone, looking forward to networking and finding out about some talented projects and meeting good people here.