Recent content by Pilyav

  1. P

    Quick Question........

    You shouldn't let your screenplay go for less than $100K. Standard average sale price for a feature is $250,000, but the wiggle room for buyers floors at $100K. Don't worry about their budget, worry about yours.
  2. P

    Reasonable price for a short

    $250K is fair, but only if Universal is buying. Like you said, it's all about the project and who's behind it. But if a studio can save $150K, produce a $10 million flick, and make a $20 million profit, the chances of them paying me $500K for screenplay #2 are that much better. Naturally...
  3. P

    How much to pay for music?

    The going rate is the publisher's responsibility to know, not yours. This is an opinion, but feel free to run with it: what they don't know, you charge for. In other words, taking the middle man into consideration, if you're dealing with a defunct, unsigned 10 yr. old band with a really good...
  4. P

    top-list top ten secret shame movies

    Anything with Chevy Chase or Rodney Dangerfield in it. Quality of film-making is always awful, but the irreverent wit is what keeps it alive.
  5. P

    Reasonable price for a short

    Well, the average price for a feature is $100,000. But a short isn't the same animal, so paying next to nothing for it is probably fair. After all, there's no box office for a short.
  6. P

    Screenplay wanted for a short film

    Only $35? Last time I checked, Wal-Mart wasn't selling seed for money trees.
  7. P

    Screenplay wanted for a short film

    Library of Congress? Are you serious? Good luck with that. I could see being registered with the WGA, but the LC is pushing it. And you aren't even asking for a feature length script!